JAKARTA - PT BGR Logistics Indonesia, celebrate the Month of Safety, Health, Work (K3) with various activities. Starting from K3 Management System Training, emergency response training, fire simulations, to fleet apple ceremonies as well as training safety driving.

The activity took place at Office & at the BLI warehousing complex in North Jakarta. Approximately 150 BLI employees at the DKI Jakarta head office and branch offices participated in this activity.

Not only employees, BLI involved the DKI Jakarta Fire Department in socializing fire mitigation starting from APAR inspections, APAR use training and emergency response simulations.

The series of K3 Months starts from January 12 to February 12, 2024. This agenda is routinely carried out every year. In line with the K3 Month theme. Namely "Empower K3, Healthy and Healthy in Work, Maintained Business Sustainability".

"The quality of safety, health, work, is very important to create employees and a safe & comfortable work environment," said Head of the BLI Quality Management & Risk Division, Danardiah, in a written statement, Monday, February 19.

Danar revealed that this series of activities is expected to be useful for ensuring the safety and health of workers and the community.

Director of Finance, Human Resources and Business Support BLI, Energy, also added that work safety and health are not just responsibilities, but a necessity that must be instilled in the company's culture.

In every work handled, BGR Logistics Indonesia, as a member of ID Food, always prioritizes the aspects of Safety, Health, & Environment (SHE). This proves that BLI continues to be committed to creating a safe, healthy, and productive work environment for all employees.

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