JAKARTA - President Director of the Health Social Security Administration (BPJS), Ali Ghufron Mukti, emphasized that his party is ready to guarantee the cost of health services for general election officers (elections) who are sick in accordance with applicable regulations.

"As long as the person concerned is registered as a participant in the National Health Insurance -JKN-active, we will fully bear the medical expenses according to the procedure," said Ghufron in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, February 17.

This was conveyed by Ghufron in response to data from the General Election Commission (KPU) which noted that thousands of ad hoc organizers were sick and dozens of individuals died during the 2024 election voting in the period 14-15 February, where as of Friday 16 February, at 18.00 WIB, 35 officers died.

He also explained that his party together with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the General Election Commission, the General Elections Supervisory Body, which was coordinated by the Presidential Staff Office (KSP), had made efforts to ensure that all election officers had become JKN participants and their membership status was active, so that they could obtain certainty of financing and health services if they suddenly fell ill.

Ghufron also stated that his party also promoted screening of medical history for election officials before the democratic party began.

According to him, the implementation of health history screening is carried out not only as an anticipation of potential health risks that may be experienced while on duty, but also as a preventive measure to ensure mutual welfare in the election process.

"By undergoing a health history screening before serving, election officials can find out their health condition better and can be optimal in carrying out their duties later. Hopefully, the results of the screening show that all officers are in good health and ready to carry out their duties properly, so that the election can run smoothly," he said.

Meanwhile, BPJS Kesehatan has also prepared a dashboard to monitor the implementation of screening for the medical history of election officers, where the dashboard access is also owned by the KPU, Bawaslu, Ministry of Home Affairs, KSP, and can also be accessed by the public through the BPJS Kesehatan website.

The results of the health history screening can be monitored together and become feedback for the officer and the election organizing committee to anticipate the risk of the health condition of the election officials by looking at the results of the screening.

Based on data as of February 16, 2024, it was recorded that 6,825,437 election officials had undergone a health history screening. Of this number, about 94.17 percent of election officials were declared not at risk of illness, and 5.8 percent of pemiliu officers were declared at risk.

"For Election officers who have risky results and active JKN membership status, they can carry out further health checks at the First Level Health Facility. BPJS Kesehatan's involvement in the implementation of this election is a form of state presence in anticipating things that are not desirable, especially regarding the health protection of election officials," said Ghufron.

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