JAKARTA - President Director of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Sunarso said there is great business potential in the tilapia or tilapia modeling project in Karawang, West Java. "This is a shrimp pond that is no longer suitable for shrimp, then it was found that tilapia komodities copy it, for BRI there is extraordinary business potential," said Sunarso, quoted from Antara, Saturday, February 3. He assessed that with a copy tilapia cultivation pond area of 80 hectares with one harvest cycle for eight months he was able to produce "net profit" up to Rp38 billion, so he admitted that it was attractive to BRI to support the business. That' is one cycle of 8 months net profit of Rp38 billion, one cycle of Rp38 billion, investment capital of Rp76 billion, so we just calculated three cycles back. This is interesting for the bank business," he said.

In the future, he continued, if this modeling has been implemented and replicated by business actors, BRI will participate in supporting business actors, one of which is farmers or fish cultivation actors as a form of support for small business actors. BRI's presence at tila copy cultivation ponds in Karawang, he continued, was also presented through planting 1,100 mango tree seedlings as an effort to implement environmental principles, social and governance (ESG).

Sehingga diharapkan dalam dua tahun mendatang kawasan tambak ini lebih hijau dan sejuk.Kehadiran BRI pun tak hanya penanaman saja, melainkan juga dilakukan pemeliharaan termasuk pengukuran pertumbuhan serta perhitungan biomassa yang dihasilkan sehingga ke depan menjadi aset karbon yang dimiliki BRI.

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