JAKARTA - The Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) provides support for financing and guarantee facilities to PT INKA Multi Solusi (IMS) to produce hundreds of carriages of container type flat top (CFT) wagon ordered by UGL Australia operated by Kiwi Rail as the final user in New Zealand.

The total funds provided by LPEI for IMS, which is a subsidiary of PT INKA (Persero) amounting to 11.9 million US dollars, consist of a financing facility of 7.7 million US dollars and a guarantee facility of 4.2 million US dollars.

LPEI's Managing Director for Business Development, Maqin U. Norhadi said this support was given to the national strategic industry to be competitive in the global market, through the Special Export Assignment (PKE) Transportation Equipment (ATP) scheme in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Finance (KMK) No. 406/2021 of 2021.

Maqin said that through the PKE Transportation Tool program, it aims to encourage Indonesian strategic industrial products to be globally competitive.

This export is the pride of Indonesia which has succeeded in producing quality and high-value goods train carriages and creating trust from other countries in various strategic industrial products in Indonesia.

LPEI's support for the strategic transportation industry to PT INKA (Persero) and IMS is a form of state presence through the Indonesian Ministry of Finance which is distributed by LPEI, in order to encourage strategic industries so that they can increase Indonesia's exports. This achievement will certainly improve Indonesia's reputation as a country that produces world-quality rail carriages," Maqin said in his statement, quoted on Friday, February 2.

Maqin added, in addition to encouraging the acceptance of foreign exchange, this support is expected to drive an export ecosystem capable of creating developmental impact and sustainable business (sustainability).

Director of Operations of PT INKA (Persero) I Gede Agus Prayatna said PT INKA (Persero) as a BUMN will continue to appear in the future to produce quality train products and meet customers' needs and expectations.

An order from UGL Australia will grow PT INKA (Persero) to make the best and sustainable contribution to the Indonesian economy.

This proves that INKA groups can contribute abroad, especially to quality sensitive markets. We think that the New Zealand market is a market that has a fairly high quality sensitivity," said I Gede Agus Prayatna.

PT IMS received orders for 450 CFT goods carriages worth 17 million US dollars from UGL Australia.

A total of 60 units of 450 flat carriages will be sent to New Zealand for the first batch on January 31, 2024.

IMS-made flat carriages for Australian UGL are in the form of underframes without installation of bogie and coupler components.

The general specifications of the carriages are divided into two types, namely 40ft and 50ft, which are designed by UGL with an empty weight of around 15.2-17.2 tons with a maximum carrying capacity of 62.9 tons.

Carriages were dispatched by ship from Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya to Port Chammers, New Zealand.

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