Gemolong, a sub-district located in Sragen Regency, Central Java, shows the potential to drive the economy through dairy goat farming efforts. This initiative not only generates new sources of income for local residents, but also strengthens the local economy and creates a positive impact in the livestock industry.

Empowerment of dairy goat breeders in Gemolong is one of the keys to success in improving the economy in the region. Various training and mentoring programs from educational institutions, such as Sebelas Maret University (UNS) in collaboration with farmer groups and factories as collectors and processing of milk into products, have provided residents with the knowledge and skills needed in managing dairy goats efficiently.

Through the support of local governments and educational institutions, the number of dairy goat breeders in Gemolong continues to grow. People who may not initially have thought of being involved in the livestock business now see a positive opportunity in raising dairy goats. This increase in the number of breeders directly contributed to the increase in goat milk production in the area.

The development of dairy goat farms in Gemolong not only provides economic benefits for farmers but also creates a positive impact on the local economy as a whole. The increase in the production and marketing of local goat milk also supports economic growth in Gemolong, creates jobs, and strengthens cooperation between farmers and related parties.

The success of dairy goat breeders in Gemolong is also reflected in the marketing strategy of local goat milk products. Local Etawa dairy products such as GAMAMILK, which come from farms in Gemolong, are increasingly gaining appreciation in local and national markets.

The quality of milk produced has reached high standards, attracting consumers who are looking for quality dairy products. It is known that this product is named GAMAMILK which stands for Milk Community Gas', because it departs from the desire of local breeders to be more independent and sell its processed milk more widely so that its benefits can be felt by people outside Sragen.

Produced by CV Berkah Alam Gemolong Sragen since 2022 and marketed by PT Sahada Laku Utama, this product presents Etawa goat milk with a combination of herbal compositions, namely gold-stained extract (gamah), cinnamon and sugar palm. This formulation is to help overcome the problem of joints such as knee pain, back pain, back pain, neck pain and aches. linu.

"The advantage of this product compared to other powder Etawa milk is the content of collagen from gold braids (gamat) which is good for rejuvenating joints. GAMAMILK has also been certified BPOM (TR222033301) and Halal so that it has guaranteed efficacy and quality," said Rifan as SPV Marketing of PT Sahada Laku Utama, quoted Thursday, February 1.

The efficacy of GAMAMILK has now been felt by more than 400,000 people in Indonesia and the majority feel suitable and their complaints are resolved.

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