JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo has officially launched regulations regarding the capture and storage of carbon capture and storage (CCS).

The new RULES are included in Presidential Decree No. 14 of 2024 concerning the implementation of carbon capture and storage activities.

"That in order to meet the nationally set contribution target towards Net Zero Emission in 2060 or sooner, carbon storage technology has an important role in reducing carbon emissions in emission-producing activities," Bunti beleid argued, quoted Wednesday, January 31

"That Indonesia has great potential as a carbon storage area and has the potential to become a location for storage at the national and regional levels so as to increase investment attraction and increase economic value and the business process for capture, transportation and carbon storage," the regulation continued.

This Presidential Regulation consists of 14 chapters with 77 articles and contains understanding and terms in CCS, the implementation of CCS to the carbon transport mechanism across countries of the tatau crossband transport of carbon.

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