JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi together with the North Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda Sulut) will provide fuel oil (BBM) and lubricant services for the period of 2024. This is especially especially ahead of the 2024 General Election.

"This cooperation program is an annual activity aimed at fulfilling services in the form of fuel and lubricants to the Indonesian National Police in 2024," said Region Manager Corporate Sales Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi Ferry Pasalini quoting Antara.

He said his party was committed to maintaining the availability of national energy stocks and placing the Indonesian National Police as a strategic partner in supporting national energy distribution policies and security, especially at important moments such as the Election and Eid al-Fitr later.

Area Manager Communication, Relation & CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sulawesi Fahrougi Andriani Sumampouw said Pertamina was open to collaborating which would have a positive impact on Pertamina and support inter-institutional cooperation.

With the cooperation and collaboration between Pertamina and the North Sulawesi Regional Police, it is hoped that it can provide energy capable of mobilizing optimal services to the community.

North Sulawesi Police Karolog, Kombes Pol Achmad Surbana said his party supports Pertamina.

"Cooperation with Pertamina has been going on for years and is going well. Pertamina has proven to be reliable in supporting the operational activities of the North Sulawesi Police, of course we will optimize the sustainability of this collaboration in 2024," he said.

As for the fuel used by the North Sulawesi Regional Police, it is industrial fuel, this shows that for operational activities the North Sulawesi Regional Police are committed to using non-subsidized fuel, so that access to subsidized fuel can be distributed to eligible communities.

Pertamina and the North Sulawesi Regional Police also routinely exchange data to ensure that the distribution of fuel and LPG in the North Sulawesi region is right on target, thereby minimizing individual violations that occur in the field.

Information about all Pertamina services and Pertamina products can be accessed through the mypertamina.id website, social media @pertaminasulawesi, and @mypertamina or can contact Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135 for more information.

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