The Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance recorded a total auction transaction value of IDR 44.34 trillion in 2023.

Director of DJKN Auction, Joko Prihanto, said that the achievement was the highest in the history of organizing auctions in Indonesia. The value of the auction transactions mostly comes from the implementation of voluntary auctions, including those organized by Class II Auction Officials reaching 42 percent.

"Followed by the auction of Article 6 of the Law on Rights (UUHT), auction of confiscated goods or confiscated by the Prosecutor's Office, auction of bankruptcy assets, and other auctions," he explained in a media briefing at the DJKN Headquarters on Thursday, January 25.

According to Joko Prihanto, the auction organizer in 2023 has also contributed to state revenues of Rp4,586 billion. Of these, Rp4,366 billion was recorded as state revenue.

He detailed that it consisted of net auction results of Rp3,062 billion, Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) of Rp974 billion, and tax revenues of Rp330 billion. Meanwhile, Rp220 billion in the form of regional taxes, was recorded as local revenue.

Joko Prihanto added that the auction has a role and contribution in supporting the national economy. This is reflected in the role of the auction in helping the recovery of state finances and law enforcement through auctions of booty, confiscation, and also auctions of state-owned goods.

"Auctions also play a role in helping the completion of Non Performing Loans and supporting the banking intermediation function, through disbursement of collateral by selling auctions. Another role is to help drive the economy through increasing the value of goods and creating jobs," he said.

In empowering MSMEs, Joko Prihanto said that DJKN also took a role through carrying out its duties and functions in the field of auction. Various stimuli are given to MSME actors to market their products through auctions.

These stimuli include relaxation in the form of an auction fee of up to 0 percent, exemption from collateral for those interested in participating in the MSME product auction.

From 2020 to 2023, 1,667 MSME actors have used the auction to sell their products. There are 17,515 lots of goods auctioned, and 11,198 lots of goods sold.

In 2024, Joko Prihanto said that DJKN will continue to strive to improve performance in the field of auction, including through education to the public about auctions.

Meanwhile, one form of education, DJKN collaborates with private auction industry players, namely auction halls and associations, as well as Class II Auction Officials in Painting Exhibition and Auction activities which take place from January 25 to 27, 2024 at the AA Maramis Building, Ministry of Finance Complex. This activity is an effort to introduce the public that the auction is not only an auction for execution, but there is also a voluntary auction with an object of art in this case in the form of a painting.

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