JAKARTA - The composite stock price index (IHSG) is expected to strengthen in trading today, Thursday, January 18 after the Bank Indonesia Board of Governors Meeting (RDG) held the BI Rate benchmark interest rate. Several stocks are recommended by analysts.

Yugen Bersinar Sekuritas CEO William Surya Wijaya said that the JCI tends to consolidate amidst commodity price fluctuations and the release of economic data regarding the BI Rate. The potential for an increase in the JCI is still visible in the medium to long term.

"Reasonable correction opportunities can still be utilized by investors to carry out accumulated purchases with medium-long term investment targets considering that economic conditions still look stable," he explained in the research.

The release of annual issuer performance data which will take place in the near future also has the potential to support the JCI to strengthen.

William predicts that today's JCI will move in the range 7,123-7,272. The stock recommendations are ASII, KLBF, PWON, TBIG, BBCA, TLKM, JSMR, HMSP, UNVR.

JCI on Wednesday closed down 0.58% or 42.15 points to 7,200.63. Throughout trading, the JCI moved in the range of 7,162 to 7,252.

A total of 197 shares rose, 333 shares weakened, and 242 shares stagnated. Market capitalization IDR 11,374 trillion. It was observed that foreign investors tended to sell shares with a net sell of IDR 1.07 trillion yesterday. However, throughout 2024, foreigners will still net buy IDR 6.81 trillion.

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