JAKARTA - Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Amran Sulaiman admitted that he would form a special team to complete the assets of the Ministry of Agriculture whose status was not yet clear.

This team will be formed by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Amran promised to solve the issue of the asset uncertainty with a special team to be formed.

"God willing, our asset problems will form a special team. Mr. Irjen tolon is a small team. Indeed, if the executor is about administration with field people, it is usually different," he said at the Ministry of Agriculture, South Jakarta, Wednesday, January 17.

Amran said that his party was committed to resolving the problem so that the Ministry of Agriculture's financial statements resulted in Unqualified Opinions (WTP).

"The issue of assets, if possible, has a lot of input given, please follow it well. Don't let us in front of the President, especially agriculture, not WTP," he said.

As previously reported, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) revealed that many assets of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) have unclear status.

In fact, some of their status belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture but is managed by third parties.

Member of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) IV Haerul Saleh explained that the inequality of assets will have an impact on the unqualified opinion (WTP) of the Ministry of Agriculture's financial statements.

Haerul said that in the 2023 financial report related to the 17 investments of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Nasioal Food Agency, it is necessary to identify which assets meet as investment properties.

"In my opinion, there are many assets of the Ministry of Agriculture whose status is not clear, it is clear that the status belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture but is managed by third parties," he said.

"There is an unclear model for the starus. It is lent, rented, some are controlled by third parties but cannot be done anything. But it is still managed by third parties," he continued.

Haerul also revealed that there are 7,509,290 square meters in 8 Uncertified Agriculture Ministry Work Units.

Therefore, Haerul asked for the assets to be immediately clarified so that their status would not be problematic during the BPK examination.

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