JAKARTA - Viral on TikTok social media, Citilink Indonesia airline prohibits passengers from carrying Airwheel electric suitcases into the aircraft cabin.

Information about the ban on Airwheel suitcases being brought into the cabin was uploaded by an account with the name @febriansyahputra_24.

"Angkasa Pura II and Citilink Indonesia no longer allow Airwheel to enter the cabin. So what do you think? I don't know, when leaving in December I can still bring Airwheel so I don't get tired at this big airport," said Febriansyah, quoted Wednesday, January 17.

"But now Angkasa Pura II or Citilink or Garuda doesn't allow it. I don't know if this is a new rule or what," he continued.

Allowed Suitcase Provisions

Responding to this, PT Citilink Indonesia Head of Corporate Secretary & CSR Division Haza Ibnu Rasyad said regulations regarding Airwheel were written in the provisions of suitcases that were allowed to enter the cabin or baggage.

“Untuk ketentuan sendiri dapat dilihat di https://www.citilink.co.id/baggage-info,” katanya saat dihubungi VOI.

The regulation explains that Airwheel suitcases can only be brought into the cabin for suitcases whose batteries can be removed. As for suitcases whose batteries cannot be removed, they cannot be brought into the cabin.

Haza explained that for Airwheel suitcases that can be brought to the cabin, there are provisions. The provisions in question are for batteries with a capacity of no more than 100 wh.

In addition, continued Haza, the weight of the suitcase must also be in accordance with the specified capacity of 7 kilograms (kg).

The battery can be removed and not more than 100 wh. As for the size and weight of the cabin trunk (smart luggage) it must be in accordance with the provisions of the cabin baggage (hand carry luggage)," said Haza.

Referring to Citilink's official rules, Airwheel can also be transported as cargo. However, the crackdown had to report it hours before departure

"Smart luggage or Airwheel can be transported as cargo and must report at least four hours before departure," wrote Citilink's official rules.

Haza said this rule was in accordance with the guidelines for the 64 edition of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulation (DGR), table 2.3A.

Then, IATA's guide on Smart Bagation with lithium batteries and integrated electronics (Febuari 2019). Finally, IATA's guide on Integrated Lithium and/or Electronic (May 2017) batteries," he said.

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