JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the Lemigas Oil and Gas Testing Center also plays an active role in efforts to find oil and gas reserves, both conventionally and non-conventionally.

Head of the Lemigas of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Ariana Soemanto, revealed that the exploration technology testing laboratory has experience in testing oil and gas exploration data from various companies and all sediment basins in Indonesia.

"All laboratories in the Lemigas Oil and Gas Exploration Division have been accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) LP-1519-IDN in accordance with the requirements for testing laboratory competence and calibration laboratory according to SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (ISO/IEC 17025:2017)," said Ariana, quoted Monday, January 15.

He further explained that the Lemigas exploration division also has a laboratory of Sedimentology, Biostrategraphy, Geochemicals and Geophysics. The existence of this facility makes the study process in exploration activities more comprehensive and able to generate complete power according to what business actors need.

In addition, Ariana added, studies conducted on this division include Joint Study in oil and gas areas, Regional Geophysics and Geophysics Studies, Biostrategraphy and Strategic Siquen Application Studies, Geomechanics, Study of Sumberdaya Migas Assessment.

"Divisi eksplorasi juga melakukan Studi Pemetaan dengan peninderaan jauh berbasis sistem informasi geografi. Lemigas juga dapat melakukan reprocessing seismic," imbuhnya.

Ariana said that Lemigas also serves the rental services for supporting equipment for exploration activities such as Super Computer, Drone/UAV + multispectral, hyperspectral and RGB camera, Onsite Biostratetography Laborotary, Core storage and Geoelectricity.

"The Services of the Exploration Division are also enriched by the provision of experts in the fields of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemicals, Congung Modeling, BioStratigraphy, as well as Sedimentology and Petrography," said Ariana.

Throughout 2023 various exploration activities were carried out by Lemigas, including in the Central Sulawesi Lavender Area, the Geophysics Geophysics Study of Reservoir (GGR) in the North Kalimantan area, the WK West Air Komering WK Prospect Maturation G&GG Study, and the 3D Seismic Area Pager-Se Cool Reprocessing and the Ubi-Sikladi Pager Area. Fingerprint tests for detecting rock life can also be carried out in the LEMIGAS laboratory.

Then there is also a study of Reservoir Characterization of Shallow Biogenic Gas Fields for Blue Hydrogen in parts of Sumatra and Java and Onsite Cabin Biostrategraphy Sumur Karuka-1 in West Papua.

"We certainly give our main appreciation to Pertamina Group and KKKS who are actively collaborating with Lemigas in an effort to find oil and gas reserves," concluded Ariana.

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