JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for the Implementation of Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) has set the work program & budget (WP&B) 2024 for the oil and gas lifting target (oil and gas).

The targets set include 596,000 barrels per day (BOPD).

This figure is lower than the APBN target set at 635,000 BOPD.

Meanwhile, gas is set at 5.544 MMSCFD, lower than the APBN target of 5.785 MMSCFD.

Deputy for Exploitation of SKK Migas Wahju Wibowo said, after the Minister of Finance set the 2024 lifting target, he had met with all Cooperation Contract Contract Contractors (KKKS) and it was agreed that a target that could be achieved was 596,000 BOPD.

"We do WP&B, work for 3 months with all KKKS, submit proposals, it turns out that only 596,000," Wahju said at a press conference in Jakarta, Friday, January 12.

Just so you know, the 2023 lifting target in the APBN is set at 660,000 BOPD and the WP&B target is 621,000 BOPD.

Sedangkan untuk gas target 2023 dalam APBN ditetapkan 6.160 MMSCFD dan dalam WP&B ditetapkan 5.569 MMSCFD.

Wahju ensured that his party and the KKKS would work together to explore the existing potential.

"For example, once this year we rally in several KKKS to evaluate about the WP&B can be completed, so what recovery plans can be improved from production," he said.

He also said that later in an effort to improve WP&B, his party had prepared a filling the gap program that could contribute 15 to 20 MBOPD.

However, to achieve the WP&B target, his party faced a number of obstacles, including flooding in several oil and gas fields which caused Indonesia to lose 7,000 barrels of oil per day.

"We lost 7,000 BOPDs just because of the flood, the trucking couldn't truck due to the flood. Then there were 7 rigs that couldn't work because they were surrounded by floods. Several rigs stated force majeure so they had to be evacuated," concluded Wahju.

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