Spokesperson for the success team for the 2024 election presidential candidate has compactly denied receiving the flow of campaign funds originating from illegal mining.

The issue related to the flow of funds is the finding of the Financial Analysis and Transaction Report Center (PPATK) regarding the flow of campaign funds from illegal mines.

Spokesperson for the National Winning Team (Timnas) Anies Baswedan-Cak Imin (AMIN), Irvan Pulungan, Spokesperson for the National Campaign Team (TKN) Prabowo-Gibran Eddy Soeparno and Spokesperson for the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, Edi Sutrisno also compactly asked law enforcement officials to investigate the findings.

Ivan Pulungan guarantees that all of the campaign funds belonging to Paslon 1 do not come from illegal mines at all. In fact, his party has reported their finances and campaign funds to the Campaign Information System and Campaign Fund (Sikadeka) of the General Elections Commission (KPU).

"We have checked that no such funds have entered and flowed to us. We see that the findings from PPATK are reported to the authorities, please investigate them, please enforce the law according to regulations," Ivan said on the agenda 'Defining the Future of Fair Energy in the Nickel-Based Industry Area' in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 9.

The same thing was conveyed by Eddy Soeparno. Eddy guarantees that all campaign funds do not come from illegal mining funds. He also encouraged PPATK to continue these findings to law enforcement officials.

"Sikadeka itu adalah disclosure yang kita memberikan, disclosure publik yang bisa langsung bisa dilihat. Tidak ada aliran-flow dana yang dimindikasikan masuk dari sumber-source yang ilegal," lanjut Eddy.

Meanwhile, Edi Sutrisno also firmly denied the accusation "Alhamdulillah, it is not included in our presidential candidate. What is certain is that at 03 we did not enter and we have confirmed it. We encourage and support it to be proven immediately," concluded Edi.

Previously, the Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana after attending the event "Dissemination: Distribution of the Results of Cross-Border Crimes" in Jakarta, Thursday (14/12), said that suspicious transaction reports to PPATK rose 100 percent, some of which were suspected of being related to money laundering (TPPU) and the 2024 election campaign.

Ivan said PPATK suspected that there were campaign funds sourced from illegal mines, whose value was estimated at trillions of rupiah.

Therefore, Ivan emphasized that PPATK is committed to continuing to monitor financial transactions related to elections.

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