JAKARTA - PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) continues to innovate to create breakthroughs, one of which is in the community empowerment program. Through its subsidiary, namely PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk (SBI) Cilacap Factory, the Company encourages the development of Wayang Jazz Baruwani, which is now a new creation' art icon in the people of Cilacap Regency.

Wayang Jazz Baruwani was founded by a well-known artist from Cilacap, Daryono, Greece. Different from wayang in general, Wayang Jazz Baruwani uses waste as a medium for its manufacture. Updates are also presented with the use of jazz accompaniment music combined with ethnic music. The duration of the show is also more concise, which is 30-90 minutes.

Baruwani itself is a community-based integrated waste management program (community) that has been initiated since 2019. This program that applies circular economic principles invites people to sort waste from home and process it into economic-valued goods. Wayang Jazz Baruwani is 1 out of a total of 26 communities who are members of this program.

The founder of Wayang Jazz baruwani, Daryono, Greece, explained that the formation of Wayang Jazz Baruwani began with a discussion by the Bamboo Studio Group which he led in collaboration with SBI Cilacap Factory. He said that community empowerment can be done through elements of local cultural arts, for example wayang 'runtah' (Cilacap language means garbage).

"We convey that we have a friend who is a puppeteer who can make wayang from cardboard and used cement bags. The number of players is also not much more effective and efficient. The idea was accepted and we were directed to the waste bank assisted by SBI. SBI also provided assistance in the form of renovation of the studio, sound system, portable piano, Java gender, and others. Puppet Jazz Baruwani officially formed in 2022 and made its premiere at the Runtah Baruwani Festival in August 2022," said Daryono Greece.

According to Greek Daryono, Wayang Jazz Baruwani consistently conveyed a moral message through a story that was conveyed about the diversity of social life, protection of marine ecosystems, and environmental conservation through waste management into economic-valued products so that people could be empowered and independent as mission from the Cilacap Factory SBI Baruwani program.

Currently, the construction of wayang from garbage is still being carried out by 7 members of Wayang Jazz Baruwani. In the future, several development programs are carried out in the form of training for members of the studio, organizing Wayang Jazz Goes To Kampung activities, and providing training on making wayang from garbage to students. Now, their performances are popular with the people of Cilacap and its surroundings.

In a month, on average we can get 4 to 5 stage invitations. We are grateful that Wayang Jazz Baruwani, who is only 1 year old, received a positive response. This marks an innovative breakthrough in our wayang performances received by the public. Thank you SBI and GIS for providing support and assistance. We are grateful that BUMN cares and wants to participate in preserving local cultural arts as a medium of education and community empowerment," said Daryono Greece.

SIG Corporate Secretary Vita Mahreyni said that the empowerment of the community run by SBI and Baruwani is part of the 2030 Sustainability Road Map which focuses on three pillars: Encouraging sustainable solutions and innovations, environmental protection, and Creating shared value for employees and the community.

"Justwani is a manifestation of the implementation of the GIS sustainability strategy which is one of the solutions to the environmental crisis and climate change caused by waste, as well as helping the management of social problems such as poverty and inequality. Thanks to this social innovation, SBI Cilacap Factory won the 2023 Green PROPER award from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry," said Vita Mahreyni.

Together with SBI, Baruwani provides assistance in pilah and waste processing activities in Karangtalun Village, North Cilacap. In the 2020-2022 period, the mentoring program was expanded (replicated) to 14 locations in 5 sub-districts. The assistance programs provided include training and assistance in pilah facilities and waste processing, such as housing facilities, scales, sewing machines, exit engines, pedicah machines, garbage carts, and others.

The waste processing products made by the Baruwani community also vary, including paving blocks, wayang, compost, sandals, ecoprint bag products and runtic furniture or household furniture from processed plastic waste.

During the January-September 2023 period, Baruwani has contributed to processing at least 700 tons of organic waste into compost with a decrease in methane gas by 15 tons CH4, utilizing 2,800 bags of used cement into ecoprint bags and sandals that contributed to a decrease of 0.53 tons of waste with a decrease in CO2 emissions of 501 tons of CO2, as well as 100 tons of inorganic waste that was processed and reduced by 0.03 % of the emergence of waste in Cilacap.

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