The oil fuel quota (BBM) subsidized by Solar in Batam City, Riau Islands in 2024 increased to 65,655 KL, an increase of 25 percent from 2023, namely 52,320 KL.

Sales Area Manager of Pertamina, Riau Islands Province, Dambha HT, said that in addition to adding quotas for diesel fuel, Pertamina also increased the quota for Pertalite type subsidy fuel by 13 percent or to 311,068 KL compared to 2023, 275,773 KL.

"Solar in Batam 2024 to 65,655 KL rose 25 percent. Then the Pertalite quota also rose 13 percent to 311,068 KL," Dambha said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 5.

That way he hopes that the quota can meet all the needs of the people in Batam.

Meanwhile, the 3 kilograms (kg) LPG quota in Batam City is 41,007 metric tons (MT).

To ensure that the distribution of LPG is right on target, Dambha said buyers are required to include an electronic ID card.

"That is indeed a provision that has been determined by the Director General of Oil and Gas to us, the operator of Pertamina, to be carried out starting on January 1," he said.

As for a number of anticipations that have been prepared by Pertamina, to ensure the availability of 3 kg LPG in Batam, among others, prepare a schedule for sending subsidized gas from Tanjunguban to Batam City by sea, adding to the delivery schedule at the weekend if there are problems with the predetermined schedule.

"During the sea wave season and if there are problems with distribution, our mitigation will be distributed on Sundays, additional time because usually Sundays are holidays. Other mitigation is assisted by SPBE friends who will be overtime," he said.

According to Dambha, his party will make the maximum possible efforts so that the needs of the community are channeled.

"The maximum possible is to distribute 100 percent according to the quota on time, which is the right number, that's our commitment," concluded Dambha.

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