MPX Logistics Will Add 50 More Truck Fleet Units To IKN This Year

JAKARTA - The transportation and service company, PT MPX Logistics International Tbk (MPXL) will operate 100 units of the Indonesian National Capital (IKN) throughout 2024.

MPXL President Director Wijaya Candera said the company would initially send 50 units to IKN, until today MPXL has sent 27 units of its fleet to IKN and will complete everything in the first quarter of 2024.

"The company also has ambitious plans to add 50 more fleet units at IKN in the second semester of 2024. That way until the end of 2024 the total MPXL fleet that will be operated to IKN is 100 units," he explained in his official statement, Thursday, January 4.

Wijaya said that before the IPO, MPXL had a total of 68 units of the fleet operating, and currently, the company has operated 106 units of the fleet as of December 2023.

"With the addition of these fleets, we are very optimistic that the company's revenue will increase rapidly so that the Company's business activities will develop more." said Wijaya.

MPXL took a strategic approach by sending its new fleet directly to customering, which already has a running project with the company.

In addition, a number of fleet units have been distributed to East Kalimantan, to support the construction of the IKN project, which is the main focus of the current government.

Wijaya stated that his party is very committed to becoming a reliable partner in supporting critical infrastructure projects throughout Indonesia.

"The increase in our fleet reflects our determination to continue to contribute positively to the country's economic growth and progress," he explained.

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