JAKARTA - Director General of Oil and Gas (Migas) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (KESDM) Tutuka Ariadji together with the Directors of Pertamina Patra Niaga ensure the reliability of energy supply in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) during the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays.

The Director General of Oil and Gas reviewed a number of points, including DPPU El Tari, Fuel Terminal Tenau, SPBU 5485106 Oesapa, and Subsidized Land Oil Agent PT Uma Tana Anawara 52,851.03.

On that occasion, he was accompanied by BBM Director BPH Migas Sentot Harijady, Expert Minister of KESDM Mulyono, Director of Logistics & Infrastructure PT Pertamina (Persero) Alfian Nasution, and President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Riva Siahaan.

"We ensure that preparations for delivery from upstream to DPPU and Fuel Terminal, after which transportation to gas stations can be carried out properly," said Tutuka in a statement, in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday, January 1.

"We also see that the stock is sufficient for the next few days, the term is coverage days. Later at certain stages we can supply again, so coverage days is sufficient to be able to send further, so that we can continue to supply. So far, the stock is safe," he also said.

Dalam pantauan di DPPU El Tari dan Fuel Terminal Tenau, secara umum stok energi di NTT dalam kondisi aman. Proses penyaluran energi di NTT dipastikan baik, sebab sebanyak 6 DPPU, 8 Fuel Terminal, 129 SP9 SPDN, 11 SPDN, 35 Pertashop, 41 Agent Minyak Tanah, 5,322 Pangkalan Minyala Tanah, 5 Agent LPG NPSO, dan 334 Outlet LPG NPSO disiapkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat yang tersebar di Pulau Timor, Pulau Sumba, serta Pulau Flores, Lembata, dan Alor.

After the DPPU and Fuel Terminal, the Director General of Oil and Gas and their entourage then conducted a visit to the 5485106 Oesapa gas station.

Seeing the development of consumption as much as 5-15 percent, Pertamina Patra Niaga Riva Siahaan said that his party also added stock both at the Fuel Terminal, as well as at the supply point, such as at gas stations which are being reviewed.

Pertamina Patra Niaga has coordinated and is trying to gather all information related to activities during the new Christmas, following an increase in fuel consumption, especially in the transportation sector.

"Pertamina Patra Niaga is increasing and thickening stock as well as fuel readiness, both oil and LPG, although the LPG here has not been converted, but an increase in stock of 5-15 percent has been carried out," he said.

Riva added that his party was also alerting additional services to facilitate the journey of people who were on vacation during the new Christmas.

"Pertamina Patra Niaga has prepared various additional services, in the form of motorists whose function is to send fuel when needed to send directly to its customers. In addition, they also carry out Pertamina Siaga activities, where Pertamina continues to monitor all activities and also areas that are tourist destinations and continue to monitor if natural disasters occur," said Riva again.

The last check was carried out at the Subsidy Soil Oil Agent PT Uma Tana Anawara 52,851,03 to answer the need for high kerosene for the people of NTT.

From the results of the check, the Director General of Oil and Gas revealed that the stock of kerosene (soil oil) is quite safe and in accordance with the needs of the community.

In line with the Director General of Oil and Gas and President Director of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Executive GM Patra Niaga Regional Jatimbalinus Dwi Puja Arestya said that although NTT has challenges in supply patterns because the terrain that is traversed is either on land or at sea, he is optimistic that the energy supply is safe for this new Christmas moment.

"Christmas holidays have been passed without turmoil, hopefully at the moment of the new year with additional stock and extra services that we apply all conducive," said Ari. In addition to conducting an operational review, the Director General of Oil and Gas and his entourage also provided Christmas gifts for children from the Tank Car Crew (AMT) who could not celebrate Christmas with their families.

Other appreciations in the form of gifts were also handed over to gas station operators, AMT, and gas station supervisors who served during the Christmas holidays.

For information about Pertamina Siaga's products and services during Christmas and New Year or information and other activities, the public can contact Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135, access the website page www.mypertamina.id, Instagram social media @ptpertaminapatraniaga, Facebook @PTPertaminaPatranaaga and Youtube Channel PT Pertamina Patra Niaga.

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