JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo had the opportunity to visit the Tropical Forest Deforestation Miniature in the IKN area on Wednesday, December 20 yesterday. During the visit, the President also planted trees at the location of the Tropical Forest Forestation Miniature.

When he arrived at the location, President Jokowi first reviewed a number of Miniatur Laboratory facilities for Tropical Forests. Then, President Jokowi was accompanied by the Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) Siti Nurbaya, Head of the IKN Authority Bambang Susantono, and Acting Governor of East Kalimantan Akmal Malik. In this activity, the CEOs of the three partner companies and Chancellors of Mulawarman University Abdunnur were also present.

For information, the IKN Authority partnered with PT Tirta Investama, PT ITM and PT MHU to pioneer the construction of the Nusantara Tropical Forest Miniature in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) of IKN.

The purpose of building a sustainable forest city in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) is realized through the allocation of 65 percent of the IKN area as a protected area and the implementation of reforestation for the recovery of forest ecosystems.

Director of Investment and Ease of Doing Business IKN Authority Indra Yuwana explained, the function of the Tropical Forest Forestation Miniature at IKN is as a place and as well as a living lab in the development of innovations to refurcate at IKN.

"Tropy Rain Forest Miniatures in IKN function as a place to make efforts to reforest in protected areas in the archipelago," said Indra Yuwana in his official statement, quoted on Tuesday, December 26.

Meanwhile, the Head of the IKN Authority, Bambang Susantono, assessed that this activity had started in 2022 and received support from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

This is the beginning of a reforestation activity involving many parties. The reforrest activity has been going on since 2022 with the support of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. Today, we are witnessing the involvement of the business world and campuses," said Bambang Susantono.

"We want a strong scientific basis in development at IKN. Likewise for reforestation activities. All parties can learn from the ongoing process of change. Currently, new partnerships with the parties mentioned earlier. In the future, partnerships will be carried out with research institutions, other universities in Indonesia and from abroad. We have received offers from leading universities in the Netherlands for the return of biodiversity in IKN," concluded Bambang.

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