JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin alluded to the entry of foreign investment into the country. He emphasized that the incoming investment should not be detrimental.

According to Imin, the most important thing in attracting investment into the country is legal certainty. With legal certainty, it will increase investor confidence.

"Legal certainty, including guarantees that investment will not be misused and will not become a new burden," he said in a vice presidential debate quoted from the Indonesian KPU YouTube, Friday, December 22.

"In the sense that investment causes losses which are caused by declining trust," he continued.

In addition, Imin also encouraged investments entering Indonesia to shift to labor-intensive sectors. The goal is to expand the opening of employment opportunities.

"Investment that is transparent will open access to small businesses and intend to be involved in investment processes that enter the country and those in the community," he explained.

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