JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin said he and Anies Baswedan would pay taxes for school buildings. This step was taken to encourage increased intelligence of Indonesian children.

Furthermore, Imin said that social infrastructure is a must that the government needs to provide.

"For example, a school building that gives intelligence to students what is done is tax-free. So that the fiscal is fulfilled, so that education can be affordable," he said in a vice presidential debate quoted from the Indonesian KPU YouTube, Friday, December 22.

According to Imin, this program has also been carried out in Jakarta when Anies Baswedan became Governor of DKI Jakarta.

Furthermore, Imin assessed that the school tax exemption program could also be implemented in other regions in Indonesia.

"This is like what has been done in Jakarta, we can withdraw it to the national level. Social infrastructure is created with the government providing adequate facilities," he said.

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