BPS And IOM PBB Will Collaborate For One International Migration Data
BPS illustration (Photo: dock. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and the UN Migration Agency or the International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched a collaboration of one international migration data (SDMI).

Meanwhile, this collaboration aims to integrate various data spread across various ministries/agencies and organizations from the village level to the national level.

Acting Head of BPS Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti said that international migration has become one of the most challenging issues faced by policymakers around the world because of the complexity of mobility and the connection between migration issues and other economic social issues.

In addition, according to Amalia, reliable and timely data is needed to inform migration policy makers and to provide humanitarian assistance, as well as to maximize the positive impact of migration on development.

So that it requires data integration that has been spread across various institutions and organizations from the village level to the national level. Data integration related to international migration needs to be supported by strengthening integrated cross-sectoral coordination and systems to strengthen better governance and data management.

"To create safe, orderly, and orderly international migration, a commitment from the relevant ministries/agencies is needed to continue to collaborate and cooperate through human resources, thus producing accurate and integrated data," Amalia said, in her statement, Wednesday, December 20.

Amalia said that it provides a strong foundation for policy makers to formulate policies that are effective and proof-based.

SDMI is a significant initiative and is a step that shows the Indonesian government's active role in realizing data management related to better international migration.

In addition, SDMI was developed and introduced in 2019 through a series of consultation and coordination meetings.

Amalia said that throughout 2023, various series of activities had been carried out, such as initial coordination meetings, consultation meetings with ministries and key institutions, meetings with local governments, construction of blueprint designs and HRI roadmaps.

Furthermore, the preparation of policy summaries, the preparation of concept guides and definitions of SDMI, portal construction, as well as the implementation of training related to migration and development of metadata preparation and data standards.

Coordinating Minister for PMK, Muhadjir Effendy said that one of the obstacles in making policies related to international migration so far is the difficulty of obtaining accurate information and data.

"Therefore, integrated and quality data is needed which is expected to be generated through SDMI," he explained.

Muhajir stated that SDMI is a form of respect for the basic rights and freedoms of millions of migrants around the world that have contributed to the country of origin and purpose, including those from Indonesia.

IOM Indonesia's Head of Mission Jeffrey Lakovitz also emphasized the importance of SDMI's initiative to achieve well-managed and evidence-based migration.

"Good migration management can be created through the implementation of a comprehensive, coherent, migration policy and referring to long-term results, this is difficult to implement without sufficient evidence and data," he said.

In this case, Jeffrey said that IOM has collaborated with BPS and the One Data Indonesia Secretariat (SDI) in drafting a Blue Print and Roadmap for SDMI 2023-2028 to prepare a clear strategy in the development, implementation, supervision, and evaluation of SDMI.

This activity is the first step in implementing SDMI and is expected to encourage dialogue and further discussion for the realization of SDMI by considering the scope of collecting and imposition of international migration data in Indonesia.

In addition, the distribution of roles and responsibilities between related ministries and institutions, coordination mechanisms through the SDMI forum, to technical aspects, such as personal data protection, as well as data interoperability support systems that can be mutually agreed upon.

The declaration of SDMI collaboration is expected to support Indonesia's position as one of the leading countries in the world for the implementation of a Global Agreement related to Safe, Regular, and Regular Migration (Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration or GCM) as well as for the achievement of Indonesia Emas 2045 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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