JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) through its subsidiary, PLN Batam, provides clean energy services for the industrial and retail sectors in Batam, Riau Islands through the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC).

Through the REC service, industry players get international standard recognition that their business operations use clean energy sources.

Previously, PT PLN (Persero) and PLN Batam had signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) related to Green Energy as a Service: Renewable Energy Certificate Partnership carried out by the Executive Vice President (EVP) of Sales and Services of Enterprise Customers PLN Nayusrizal with the President Director of PLN Batam M. Irwansyah Putra and witnessed directly by PLN Retail and Niaga Director Edi Srimulyanti, in Jakarta.

Edi said that the cooperation between REC services at PLN Batam is a pilot project with a partnership mechanism. Currently, REC demand from Industry continues to increase even up to 10 times compared to 2021.

"Currently, there are 300 corporate buyers who have entrusted the need to reduce carbon emissions from their electricity use through REC, with the realization until November 2023 reaching 5.15 TWh. With REC, customers get recognition for the use of EBT which is transparent, accountable, and internationally recognized," said Edi in his statement to the media, Wednesday, December 13.

So far, he said, there are five power plants that have been registered to meet the demand for REC from corporate buyers with a production capacity of up to 3 million RECs each year.

Among them, PLTP Kamojang 140 MW with a production capacity of 993 GWh per year, PLTA Bakaru 130 MW with a production capacity of 896 GWh per year, PLTP Lahendong 80 MW with a production capacity of 700 GWh per year, PLTP Ulubelu 110 MW with a production capacity of 720 GWh per year, and PLTM Lambur 2x4 MW with a capacity of 20 GWh per year.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PLN Batam M. Irwansyah Putra said, PLN Batam as a subsidiary of PLN continues to be fully committed to supporting PLN's transformation and energy transition.

"During this transition period as an effort to support the commitment to achieve _net zero emissions_ in 2060, PLN Batam will in the future develop carbon emission reduction Iayan products (carbon reduction), one of which is in the form of a renewable energy certificate or REC," said Irwansyah.

Irwansyah said this was a milestone and Iayanan's breakthrough to consumers to answer the needs of the Batam industry. Because the products from green energy will make the products graded in the international market.

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