JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) symbolically handed over 67 units of Information on the Public Solar Street (PJUTS) to the Lhokseumawe City Government, Aceh.

"The PJUTS program is a manifestation of the Government's joint commitment with Commission VII DPR-RI and the Regional Government to carry out clean energy-based infrastructure development. Development using the state budget and its benefits is directly felt by the community," said Head of the Sub-Directorate for Supervision of EBTKE Infrastructure Development Agung Feinudin quoted Monday, December 11.

Benefit obtained using PJUTS, added Agung, is one solution to the efficiency of electricity for lighting focused on roads that are in rural areas, especially those that are difficult to reach by PLN. Then another benefit is that regional spending can be more efficient, because this lighting uses sunlight as a source of energy.

"Especially with the tariff adjustment for households with a power of 3,500 VA or more, and the Government group, including the Public Street Information Rate (P3) group, PJUTS will save regional expenses," he explained.

For this reason, Agung asked the entire community that PJUTS had been installed, to be maintained and maintained together so that it would provide long-term benefits in helping the community's economic development.

For Aceh Province, the PJUTS allocation which was built throughout 2023 is spread across several regencies and cities, as many as 67 PJUTS units in Lhokseumawe City, 30 units in Aceh Besar Regency, 100 units in North Aceh Regency, and 10 units in Pidie Regency.

Member of Commission VII DPR RI Anwar Idris who was present at the event said that the presence of PJUTS could bring benefits to the community, especially when carrying out activities at night.

"We hope that this PJUTS will bring benefits to people in need in the city of Lhokseumawe and be a blessing for them," he explained.

Meanwhile, Community Leader Abdul Halim expressed his gratitude to all parties who have contributed to the construction of solar power-based lighting, because it is very beneficial for the community, especially the congregation and students who are around the Islamic Center.

"Thanks to the PJUTS assistance, now the page of the Islamic Center at night is clear from the previous one which was quite dark," he concluded.

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