The Ministry Of Industry Improves The Quality Of The Fashion And Craft Industry Through This Program
Photo: Doc. Antara

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Small and Medium Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) improves the quality of the creative industry in the fields of fashion and craft through the Creative Business Incubator (CBI) - Bali Creative Industry Center (BCIC) program. Director General of Small and Medium Industries (IKMA) Kemenperin Reni Yanita explained that the Creative Business Incubator program is one of the efforts of the Directorate General of IKMA, through the Bali Creative Industry Center (BCIC) in fostering creative Small and Medium Industry (IKM) players, especially fashion and craft fields, in developing their business to advance to class. "The purpose of implementing a Creative Business Incubator or CBI-BCIC to increase the business capacity of new entrepreneurs engaged in the Fashion and Craft Industry so that they can move up in class," said Reni during the CBI-BCIC 2023 Graduation at BCIC Tohpati Denpasar, Bali, Friday 8 December, quoted from Antara.

BCIC's Creative Business Incubator activities are carried out by involving academics, industry coaches, fashion and craft business practitioners, venture capital and investor angel. "This activity is carried out for two years which includes the classic learning stage (camp) in the first year for 6 weeks which ended with business pitching participants in front of potential investors as well as a mentoring program (coaching) in the second year which was implemented for approximately 6 months," he explained.Reni emphasized that success in doing business requires hard work and sacrifice. Incubator participants in 2023, both those who have gone through classroom and mentoring sessions, should be appreciated because they have dedicated their time and energy in no time. "I am sure that this sacrifice will not be wasted because it will be the capital of the success of the participants' businesses in the coming years," he added.Reni hopes that the guidance that has been provided through this Creative Business Incubator can inspire participants to be able to use the knowledge that has been obtained, maintain information networks and communication between participants and resource persons, as well as become economic drivers in the community and become an example for fashion and craft industry players. "We also expect the participants to invite other fashion and craft creative IKM players, both family, friends, and neighbors, as well as neighbors, to participate in the CBI program and other BCIC programs in order to realize equitable distribution of fashion and craft creative IKM coaching throughout Indonesia," he said.Reni explained in this BCI program several alumni have also received investment from investors to increase production capacity by building new factories. And there are several alumni who have successfully penetrated the export market and become leaders in certain fields.

"Contohnya produk Robries yang menjadi salah satu pemain utama produk pengolahan limbah plastik menjadi produk home decor, Eboniwatch yang menjadi salah satu pemain utama produsen jam tangan kayu di Indonesia serta pelepah yang saat ini menjadi salah satu pemain utama food container ramah lingkungan dari bahan pelepah pinang," paparnya.Pelaksanaan kegiatan Inkubator Bisnis sesi pendampingan (coaching) telah dilaksanakan sejak bulan Maret 2023 sampai bulan November 2023 dan diikuti oleh 24 jenama.Inkubator bisnis kreatif BCIC 2023 dilaksanakan secara hybrid dengan jumlah peserta 28 orang luring dan 30 orang daring, berasal dari 17 provinsi dan 47 kabupaten kota dengan peserta kategori fesyen berjumlah 31 peserta dan kriya 27 peserta.Selama 40 hari para peserta BCI-BCIC mendapatkan sesi kelas dan pendampingan. Adapun materi yang disampaikan meliputi strategi bisnis, strategi pemasaran, manajemen keuangan, manajemen operasi, manajemen tim, layanan standardisasi dari unit Balai di Kementerian Perindustrian, Prinsip ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Bagi IKM dan diakhiri dengan presentasi rencana bisnis di hadapan investor ataupun pemangku kepentingan terkait lain.

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