JAKARTA - The Implementing Management of the Pre-Employment Card Program held an Alumni Meeting from three different places simultaneously Thursday, December 7. The alumni meeting, entitled "From the Ujung Indonesia", was held in Sabang, Aceh; Rote, East Nusa Tenggara; and Merauke, South Papua and attended by hundreds of Pre-Employment alumni.

"The main purpose of arrival is to show that Pre-Employment is present in various regions in Indonesia to the end of the country. At the same time, similar activities are also carried out in Sabang and Merauke," said Pre-Employment Director Denni Puspa Purbasari, in Rote, NTT, Thursday 7 December.

The arrival of Pre-Employment and meeting events for alumni, continued Denni, are also a form of effort to hear stories and stories, or input from alumni.

"From the start I never positioned you as inferiors, but you are our nation's investment in the future to be even better," said Denni.

Pre-Employment Operations Director Hengki Sihombing who was present with Denni, added that the presence of the Pre-Employment also wanted to prove that the Pre-Employment recipient was real. So far there are 20 thousand Pre-Employment Registrants at Rote.

"Those who have received 10 thousand benefits," he said.

Hengki wants to ensure that all Pre-Employment registrants can get the same opportunity to get training scholarships and develop themselves.

"At the same time, I also want to see in person whether it is true that as many have registered and become Pre-Employment alumni," he said in front of around 90 alumni present.

Prior to holding the Alumni Meeting in Rote, Hengki also gave a public lecture at Nusa Cendana University, Kupang. In front of a thousand students, Hengki tells the story of a pre-employment trip since 2020. Also present on the occasion was the Deputy Dean of FEB, Nusa Cendana University, Dr. Rolland E. Fanggidae.

In Merauke, the alumni meeting was attended by Pre-Employment Technology Director Samsu Sempena and Finance Director Sidiq Juniarso attended by dozens of alumni.

"These alumni are ambassadors, Prakerja ambassadors in the regions. Effective in communication, continue to synergize with fellow alumni, including being able to promote each other's business," said Samsu.

Head of the South Papua Province Manpower, Transmigration and Energy and Mineral Resources Office Lambertus Fatruan who was present at the alumni meeting appreciated what had been done by the Pre-Employment.

"We are grateful for the big role of Pre-Employment in increasing competence that has been running even though it is mostly online," said Lambertus.

He hopes that the Pre-Employment will continue to develop and provide benefits for the workforce in Merauke and South Papua.

"We hope that the Pre-Employment will reach Papuan Indigenous People (OAP) more. In South Papua, the number of unemployed is 12 thousand people, we believe programs like this can reduce the unemployment rate," said Lambertus.

The same hope was conveyed by Acting Governor of South Papua Apolo Safanpo when met at the South Papua Governor's Office the day before the alumni meeting.

"This program is very useful because it has trained more than 17 million alumni throughout Indonesia. We hope that South Papua can participate even more in this program to welcome Indonesia Gold 2045," said Apolo.

The Alumni Meeting in Sabang, Aceh Special Region was attended by the Director of Pre-Employment Monitoring and Evaluation of Cahyo Prihadi. In front of the alumni, Cahyo said that he should continue to develop himself to face the challenges of the world of work in the future. The pre-employment provides training scholarships to develop this expertise.

"Nothing can help but ourselves. Let's grow the spirit of learning, continue to develop ourselves and improve our abilities," said Cahyo.

He also invited alumni to participate in the Indonesia Skills Week program which was launched at the same time as alumni meeting.

Along with the Alumni Meeting from the Ujung Indonesia event, Prakerja also launched the Indonesia Skills Week bibulan program and took place from 7-15 December 2023. This program is open to anyone aged 18 years, including those with the status of ASN, TNI/Polri, to Pre-Employment alumni who cannot be Pre-Employment participants.

In the meeting ceremony for alumni in Sabang, one of the alumni of Rowi Affandi was asked to immediately register ISW in front of the other participants. After following all the stages, Rowi managed to buy free training on Housekeeping Special for the Lima Star Hotel Room.

"It's very easy. Just follow the method," he said.

Rowi is an alumni of Pre-Employment who graduated from batch 5 who had worked at the Fairmont Hotel Jakarta. He took the training to develop his expertise.

"I really want to learn. As humans, we have to keep learning," said Rowi.

As for the stages that Rowi follows and training enthusiasts can do is to have a Pre-Employment account, for those who have not been able to create a Pre-Employment account via the pre-employment website.go.id. Then go to the Indonesia Skills Week page and select the desired training by clicking 'Get a Training Voucher'. Next wait for the voucher code to be sent to the email and then exchange the voucher code as specified. And lastly, follow and finish the training taken.

In addition to the hospitality sector that Rowi took, there are also other training fields. These include foreign languages, lifestyles, finance, culinary, management, marketing, offices, agriculture, social and behavior, engineering, digital, and information technology. There are many thousands of free, cheap trainings such as IDR 20 thousand, and large discounts of up to 90 percent.

alumni who took part in the From the Ujung Indonesia' event were enthusiastic about sharing their experiences. Sriyatni from Rote told the story of her beginning as a housewife, who then took part in training for Small Business Owners and leadership in Pre-Employment. After that he was able to develop his business, understand what to do, to apply for a KUR at BRI.

"My Omset has now increased to receive 2000 orders," he said.

A similar story is also found in Sabang. Miftahul Jannah also successfully opened a business thanks to the makeup training he took from Pre-Employment. The 26-year-old woman is now managing the studio and has a business entity in the field of makeup. "Initially, I really like and like make-up," said Miftahul, telling his story.

After graduating from the Bachelor of Mathematics from UIN Ar Raniry Banda Aceh in 2021, Miftahul then decided to join the Pre-Employment. He continued to try eight times and was only received in the 28th wave in May 2022.

"I really intend to find new experiences and knowledge," he said.

Another Sabang alumni, M. Fadhilul Abdi is also now successful as a barista supervisor at a cafe in Banda Aceh. As a high school graduate, Fadhilul intends to take training to get skills to compete in the world of work. Thanks to his pre-employment training certificate, he was accepted as a barista and continues his career until now. I am very grateful to the Pre-Employment," said the recipient of wave 3.

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