JAKARTA - The government continues to be committed to pursuing digital transformation by accelerating the development of the digital economy as a strategic pillar in realizing the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision.

Menavigasi hal tersebut, Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian resmi meluncurkan Buku Putih Strategi Nasional Pembangunan Ekonomi Digital Indonesia 2030.

This commitment also reflects a strong focus on the shift in the economy towards sustainable digital innovation and supports the condition of society that has become increasingly proficient in digital since the Covid-19 pandemic.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto said that the development of the digital economy is an important catalyst for the Indonesian economy, as reflected in its higher growth compared to Indonesia's GDP growth.

"The development of the digital economy is a catalyst where growth is already higher than the growth of Indonesia's GDP, which last year grew by 7.6 percent to 8.7 percent," he said at the launch of the National Strategy for Digital Economy Development in Indonesia 2030, Wednesday, December 6.

Airlangga added, Indonesia has a great opportunity to maximize the digital economy supported by a workforce population of 70 percent and 40 percent of Southeast Asia's digital economy market share is in Indonesia.

In addition, the majority or 78 percent of Indonesia's population is connected to the internet, so that economic and financial digitization continues to increase.

Airlangga said, with the existence of the Digital Economy Framework Agreement (DEFA) Negotiation which was also launched in September 2023, it is hoped that it can become a catalyst in increasing the value of the ASEAN digital economy to 2 trillion US dollars by 2030.

"It is hoped that the digital economy in 2030 with the Digital Economy Framework Agreement (DEFA) in ASEAN can increase the value of the digital economy from 1 trillion US dollars to 2 trillion US dollars and of that amount 40 percent of Indonesia." he said.

According to Airlangga, if consistent and conservative in developing Indonesia's digital economy by 35 percent to 40 percent, it means that Indonesia contributed around 700 billion US dollars to 800 billion US dollars.

Airlangga said, within the next 15 years, Indonesia will need around 9 million jobs and professionals in the digital sector.

Therefore, Indonesia needs to prepare 600,000 talents for the digital sector every year to utilize and improve Indonesia's digital economy.

"We also have to prepare around 600 thousand talents around digital every year, so if we want to be taken by other countries, therefore in this roadmap we have also prepared a phase of preparation, phase of transformation, and phase of Indonesia to become a leading," he concluded.

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