JAKARTA - Throughout 2023, the leading digital investment application in Indonesia, Bibit.id, was actively involved as a driving partner for the 1000 Digital Startup National Movement launched by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkominfo RI).

Bibit participation in this program is realized through material support and speakers for various digital investment literacy programs as well as the development of local startups in various cities in Indonesia such as Malang, Pontianak, Singkawang, Jambi, Pasuruan, and Solo.

The National Movement for Digital Startups is an effort to work hand in hand to drive Indonesia's digital startup ecosystem to connect, share knowledge and experiences with each other. Initiated since 2016, this movement is expected to encourage the creation of startups which are solutions to problems by utilizing digital technology.

As is known, internet users in Indonesia have reached 212 million people with an internet penetration rate of 78 percent. Indonesia's Digital Competitiveness Index has also experienced a constant increase over the last three years.

"This means that the potential of the digital sector in Indonesia is still very promising. In this modern era, we will not be separated from the digital system. For that, I thank the driving partners and all members of the country's digital ecosystem for their support for this movement," said Nezar Patria, Deputy Minister of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, at the CATCH UP Impact Night event held in Mbloc, Jakarta, quoted Monday, December 4.

Responding to the results of the National Financial Literacy and Inclusion Survey (SNLIK) conducted by the OJK in 2022, where the level of financial inclusion of the Indonesian people has reached 85.1 percent, while there is still a fairly large gap in the financial literacy rate which has only touched 49.68 percent, Nezar said that the role of Bibit in increasing digital financial literacy is crucial.

According to him, Bibit's efforts to greet the public directly and carry out various community-based educational sessions, both in the 1000 Digital Startup National Movement program or other programs, are very useful.

William added that his party really appreciates the close collaboration with the National Movement for 1000 Digital Startups. According to him, this collaboration has reached thousands of participants in 2023 and is expected to continue to increase in 2024.

"This is in line with our mission in Bibit to continue to provide safe, comfortable, and inclusive services for millions of our users in more than 500 cities in Indonesia," William concluded.

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