JAKARTA PT Global Digital Niaga Tbk (BELI) or Blibli through its subsidiary, PT Global Teknologi Niaga (GTNi) is collaborating with digital insurance broker company PT Focus on Solution Protection or Cermati Protect to provide Bliblicare+ services which are innovations in gadget protection solutions for all Blibli customers.

Through Bliblicare+, customers who buy devices in Blibli consumer physical electronics stores such as Blibli, Exchange Add, Hello Apple Authorized Reseller spread throughout Indonesia, can get additional benefits of repair guarantees as well as reimbursement for damage, including loss of gadgets.

Meanwhile, customers who buy their electronic devices online on the Blibli or Hellostore.id page can also choose protection that suits their needs in the bond Protection. Especially for the protection of gadgets and cellphones from things that are not covered by official guarantees, customers will be protected by Bliblicare +.

VP of Insurance Cermati Protect Juanri said Cermati Protect's collaboration with Blibli answered the gadget protection needs purchased at the Blibli Group. To that end, Cermati Protect and Blibli improved the service by presenting Bliblicare+ through six benefits and one additional with relatively affordable premium figures.

"As a pioneer in digital insurance brokers in Indonesia, Cermati Protect brings experience and understanding as an insurance consultant and broker with an online netted system," he explained.

Business Development Director, PT Global Technology Niaga (GTNi), Dony Munaf added that his party continues to be committed as an ecosystem for trade in omnichannels and leading lifestyles with a complete product and service ecosystem that is also integrated, he emphasized by presenting Bliblicare +.


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"This added value service makes it more possible for us to meet our various consumer needs optimally. Not only worry free, this collaboration with Cermati Protect is expected to make it easier for customers to claim Bliblicare+ insurance", he explained in his official statement on Sunday, December 3.

Bliblicare+ is offered with a relatively affordable premium and guarantees full damage or loss, ranging from unexpected damage, to damage due to damage or infiltration of fluids.

Furthermore, it guarantees fire, lightning strikes, explosions, fall of airplanes and smoke (FLEXAS), riots, strikers, riots, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, replacement of accessories in sales and robbery packages (specifically Bliblicare+ premium).

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