The Capital Authority of the Archipelago (OIKN) said that the development of IKN mostly relies on investment from the private sector.
"We know that IKN as a city relies on the budget (development) of investment (private)," said Deputy for Funding and Investment at OIKN Agung Wicaksono in the IKN Investment Opportunities Roadshow which was monitored online in Jakarta, Friday, December 1.
Agung assessed that currently the portion of investment from the private sector and the state budget is already on par with the funding for the IKN project.
"Earlier, it was stated that the state budget funds were Rp35 trillion, I would like to report that as of today the investment value that has been committed by various private investors has reached Rp35 trillion," he said.
He added that this is a real collaboration between the government and the private sector to realize the development of IKN until 2045.
"Later, there must be more from the private sector, but until this stage it is the same Rp35 trillion," he added.
Meanwhile, based on Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital, in order to support the preparation, development and transfer, as well as the implementation of the special government of IKN, the government carries out a synergy of funding sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) and other legitimate sources in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
The synergy of funding is needed so that there is fiscal sustainability by making various efforts, such as optimizing the use of creative and innovative funding schemes while maintaining accountability.
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