JAKARTA - PT Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk (WIKA Beton) is recorded to have obtained a new contract of IDR 5.65 trillion until October 2023.

This achievement increased 4.44 percent compared to the same period last year of IDR 5.41 trillion.

WIKA Beton Corporate Secretary Dedi Indra said the big projects that contributed to the acquisition of new contracts were still dominated by infrastructure with 67.38 percent.

Then projects in the industrial sector amounted to 10.98 percent, property 10.15 percent, and electricity 8.07 percent.

"Meanwhile, others come from the energy and mining sectors, each contributing 2.98 percent and 0.53 percent," said Dedi in an online Public Expose Live, Thursday, November 30.

The acquisition of the new contract achieved by WIKA Beton was contributed by SOEs by 14.12 percent, the private sector reached 76.66 percent, WIKA as the parent company of WTON 5.04 percent, affiliated with WIKA 3.20 percent, and the government 0.98 percent.

As for 2023, WIKA Beton has worked on orders from dozens of projects throughout Indonesia. Among them, there is a JLKA Medan-Binjai project in North Sumatra and the Bayung-Lincir Tempino Toll Road in South Sumatra.

For Java, there is the Ancol Timur-Pluit Toll Road project, Jakarta Sewerage System, National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD), Probolinggo-Banyuwangi Toll Road, PT Hailiang Nova Material Indonesia Copper Factory, Elevated Road & Bridge IKK Power Plant.

Then in Kalimantan there is the MMP Nickel Smelter Project project, Paspampres Flats, and the National Capital Toll Road (IKN), Sulawesi, where there is the Ipi Bawah River Bridge project in Morowali, Central Sulawesi and the Elevated Maros-Bone Bridge in South Sulawesi.

"For the Papua region, WIKA Beton is currently supplying the West Papua Klagison River Channel project and the construction of Sanggeng Manokwari Market," he concluded.

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