What Kind Of Quality Products: Here's An Explanation And Factors That Affect
What Qualityy Products (image Attendie-Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA - Talking about products is certainly related to the amount and quality. But most people think that a good product is a product produced from abroad, is that true? Of course, there are relative things that are really good and there are also those whose quality is inferior to domestic products. So what quality products?

This is because the quality of the product itself is a physical condition, nature, and function of a product, both services and goods based on the quality level that is expected, such as persons with disabilities, reliability, accuracy, ease of operation, product repair and attributes of other products that aim to satisfy and meet the needs of customers or consumers.

In fact, the quality of the product is the key between business actors to compete in the market. Of course, consumers clearly always want to get a product according to what they have paid. Even though some people think that products that have an expensive price are definitely of high quality. If this is fulfilled by producers or companies, it is clear that consumers will remain satisfied and will increase because they are liked.

In fact, product quality is very important and must be worked on for every producer and company if they want their products to compete in the market. With the mutual relationship between producers and consumers, it will provide opportunities to understand and know whatever the needs and dreams are in the minds of consumers.

If that happens, of course, as the provider of goods for a company will perform maximum good performance in order to achieve what is called quality products in the eyes of consumers.

In order to strengthen answers related to quality products like what, we will refer to the conclusions of several figures from several sources of books;

Tjiptono (2012)

According to Tjiptono, quality products are the desired quality and control diversity in achieving these qualities in order to meet the needs of consumers.

Kotler and Keller (2012)

According to Kotler and Keller's views, the quality of a product is the ability of an item to provide the appropriate performance or results and even what consumers want.

Kotler and Armstrong (2012)

Kotler and Armstrong think that the quality of a product is a product's ability to demonstrate its function. Of course, this includes reliability, reliability, accuracy, ease of operation, and product reparation, as well as other product attributes.

Nasution (2005)

According to Nasution, quality products are dynamic conditions related to products, humans or labor, tasks and processes, as well as environments that meet or exceed consumer expectations.

Prawirosentono (2002)

Terhirhir is the view of Prawirosentono who thinks that quality products are a physical condition, the nature and function of a product in question that can meet the tastes and needs of consumers by satisfying the value of the money spent.

Referring to Prawirosentono's 2002 response, there are several reasons that can affect the quality of a product, namely:


This is because human resources are an important element that can enable the formation of a process of increasing the value of a product.


Of course, the equipment or machinery used in the process of adding value into output is possible to produce various variations in the form, number, and speed of the manufacturing process using an engine.


The raw materials that are being processed to produce added value are the output, and the types are quite diverse. Of course, using various raw materials, it will affect the various output values as well.


This includes work procedures where everyone is obliged to work according to the tasks assigned to each person. This procedure is the best work procedure so that everyone can carry out their duties efficiently and effectively.


In each stage of mandatory manufacture, there is a measure as the standard of assessment so that each stage of manufacture can be assessed for performance. The expertise of this standard measure is a valuable aspect to measure the performance of all stages of the creation process, with the aim that the results obtained are in accordance with the plan.


The environment where the manufacturing process is very influential on the results or performance of the manufacturing process. If the work area changes, then the performance will also change. There are many aspects of the external environment that can influence these five factors above so that they can create various work tasks.

So after knowing what quality products are, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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