Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto emphasized that the government continues to strive to carry out various policies and transformations for national economic growth.

One of them is by becoming a member of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

"Indonesia, the government is always optimistic. We already want to be included in the framework of OECD. So we will prepare many things for the next transformation," said Airlangga when met at the Sheraton Grand, South Jakarta, Tuesday, October 31.

Previously, LPEM FEB UI, explained in the White Paper LPEM FEB UI that Indonesia's potential failure to become a developed country in 2045.

One of the reasons is the income of Indonesians who are still far below other countries when they have succeeded in obtaining upper middle income countries (UMIC).

Then, another reason is that currently Indonesia's socio-economic conditions are much different from the conditions of UMIC countries when they have the same per capita income as Indonesia today.

LPEM FEB UI noted that Indonesia's economic growth on average was at a level of 5 percent, credit growth per year was at 15 percent, the tax ratio to GDP was never at 11 percent.

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