The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has ensured that the regulations regarding supervision of border imports (pabean areas) as the implementation of restrictions and restrictions (laltas) will be completed this week.

Director General of Resilience, Regional & Access International Industry (KPAII) of the Ministry of Industry Eko Cahyanto said that currently the discussion process has reached the finalization stage with the Ministry of Trade and the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy.

"It should have been finished this week," said Eko, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, October 23.

Eko explained that there are several security arrangements schemes, namely in the form of Surveyor Reports (LS), Import Approval (PI) as well as technical considerations or technical recommendations.

However, he admitted that he was still analyzing the application of the lartas rule to the group of goods subject to the regulation.

The reason is, several types of goods have different characteristics.

"Indeed, we are currently analyzing whether the third (scheme) or only two (schemes) are used because some items have different characteristics. This is being completed. Hopefully this week it will be finished," he said.

Eko ensured that the security regulation scheme would refer to efforts to balance the market (demand) with supply.

The government wants the regulation to provide justice for domestic, imported, and related products that are allowed to enter the domestic market.

He said that discussions still need to be carried out to ensure there is no confusion in the customs area, which is the place of supervision.

Eko said that currently there are many items whose HS code mixes between raw materials and finished products so that there is confusion at the border.

"For example, the toys that are assembled, that when purchased are not finished products. It must be assembled. So there are so many. The HS must be ensured so that when we enter HS, there is a certificate and others do not get confused in the border," he said.

Eko also reiterated that the lartas regulation would not limit or prohibit imports but regulate the volume of incoming goods so as not to overdo it.

"(For example) it's a toy flood, right, so we want to arrange it so it doesn't flood. And secondly, so that those who are allowed to enter do not have trouble entering. The origin of the goods is clear, the income is clear, it is not hampered by items whose income is not clear, so it is flooded (illegal imports)," he said.

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