JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) is auditing seven state-owned companies' pension funds (dappen).

The target is that the audit results will be completed in early 2024.

In the process, after the Ministry of SOEs conducted an internal audit, it was then submitted to the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

After the results of the BKPK audit were completed, they were then reported to the Attorney General's Office.

Previously, the Ministry of SOEs had also reported four problems to the Attorney General's Office. Of the four friends, two of them were indicated to be fraud.

Secretary of the Ministry of SOEs, Rabin Hattari, said this audit took a long time.

At least, he said, it will take 3 months. This means that if the complaint process is carried out starting this October, it is estimated that it will be completed in early 2024.

"It was explored yesterday, the Minister said there were 7, we will investigate each other later," he told reporters, written Friday, October 20.

Therefore, Rabin admitted that he could not deliver the progress of this audit. Rabin also asked the public to wait until the process was complete and the results of the official audit came out.

As previously reported, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said that the clean-up of state-owned companies was continuing, this time the focus was on pension funds (Dapen). He said, there are seven BUMN dapens that are being investigated regarding allegations of corruption.

"There are seven (BUMN dependents that are being investigated). Yes (there are indications of fraud)," said Erick, quoted from his official Instagram account @erickthohir, Friday, October 6.

Currently, said Erick, his party is collecting data and will conduct an internal audit at the Ministry of SOEs.

After that, the results will be brought to the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

"Maybe in 1-2 weeks if the data is done and the results of our version of the audit (completed), we will give it to BPKP again, then only to the Prosecutor's Office," he said.

Erick emphasized that efforts to clean up BUMN will continue to be carried out.

The reason, said Erick, is the responsibility of the government to ensure that retired SOEs can enjoy the fruits of their decades of hard work.

"Together with the Attorney General's Office and BPKP, we will dismantle the corruption of the BUMN pension fund to completion," he said.

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