JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi said, Indonesia as an archipelagic country became the capital in welcoming Indonesia to gold. "Indonesia and archipelago must be the capital for Indonesia to be gold. I agree that we will turn the sea into a front page and God willing, it will be Indonesia's glory," Budi said in a written statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, October 14.

Budi also assessed that Indonesia's maritime direction has been directed to the right position. Therefore, marine optimization is a force in an effort to create the world's maritime axis of Indonesia. "Meanwhile, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), as a location for the commemoration of National Maritime Day, there are many locations for the National Strategic Project (PSN). "The development of Komodo Labuan Bajo airport, West Manggarai, to the development of the Tenau Port in Kupang is an example in the implementation of the National Strategic Project (PSN) in NTT, in addition to various other interventions in assistance that are already and are being worked on," he said again.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of NTT Ayodhia Kalake said, NTT has the potential for capture fisheries to be utilized as much as 47 percent, the seaweed sector is only 16 percent and 11 thousand hectares of salt ponds are utilized. In addition, the potential for new and renewable energy from the marine is also an important part of the potential for resources in NTT. With that, it can be developed in the future optimally. According to Ayodhia, challenges such as connectivity are one of the obstacles and have not been exploited by marine potential as the main sector of economic movement. The community tends to still work on the agricultural sector. To support maritime optimization in an area that has 602 islands with 5.7 million inhabitants of this population, he hopes for support from the central government through planning and budgeting. At the peak of the commemoration of National Maritime Day (HMN) the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) also presents a grant Supervisory Ship (KP) from Japan, namely Orca 05 and Orca 06 as well as KP Tiger Shark 03R. The three ships belonging to the Directorate General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) KKP also participate in parades of HMN celebration ships.

"The two ships, namely Orca 05 and Orca 06, are new ships for assistance from Japan," said Director General of PSDKP Adin Nurawaluddin.

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