JAKARTA - The Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) has paid the claim of guaranteeing customer deposits for phase II of Perumda BPR Karya Remaja Indramayu (BPR KRI).

It is known that the OJK revoked its business license on September 12, 2023.

In phase II, LPS paid the claim to guarantee customer deposits of Rp. 94.47 billion belonging to 1,640 customers who were declared feasible to be paid.

Pada tanggal 19 September 2023, LPS telah membayarkan klaim penjaminan nasabah nasabah tahap I sebesar kurang lebih Rp127 miliar milik 23,362 nasabah yang dinyatakan layak bayar.

Thus, the total payment of guarantee claims that have been paid by LPS to 25,029 customers is IDR 222.96 billion.

"The verification process will be completed by LPS in stages no later than 90 working days from the date of revocation of the BPR KRI business license, which is no later than January 19, 2024," said Secretary of the LPS Institution Dimas Yuliharto, Thursday, October 12.

He added that the storage customer whose status has been determined as a payable deposit is guaranteed by LPS to be able to apply for payment of his deposits through the LPS-appointed Payment Bank, namely Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) around the Indramayu area.

"LPS urges customers not to rush in disbursing their savings funds because the payment of deposit guarantee claims will still be served for the next 5 years since the bank is revoked, namely September 11, 2028," continued Dimas.

Customers whose deposits are declared feasible to be paid in phase II can prepare the required required documents, namely self-identity and proof of ownership of savings (stoken book or deposit slip).

He also appealed to customers who have not been included in the second stage of payment to wait for the announcement of the next stage of the settlement claim.

"The LPS team is committed to continuing to work on verifying the savings data of BPR KRI customers," added Dimas.

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