JAKARTA - Collaboration is one of the important key factors in business. Including in the food and beverage (mamin) industry.

This time, Adhya Group is working with celebrities who are also successful entrepreneur Raffi Ahmad to run and open 50 Rojo Sambel outlets in Sumatra and Jakarta.

Vice President Food and Beverage Adhya Group, Bimo Ario Buwono said, there are already 16 stores that have been opened with investment from Adhya Group.

Later in Jakarta, Adhya Group will reopen three branches.

"For Sumatra, there is already the first branch in Medan on Jalan Mataram. On Ringroad Medan it will be the 2nd branch and will open about 5 more branches in Sumatra this year," he said in a written statement, Monday, October 9.

Bimo said that the investment disbursed to make an outlet was an average of Rp800 million.

"Well, with our 50 target outlets, there will be 1.500 human resources (HR) that will be absorbed. That means we have opened the widest possible employment opportunities," he explained.

Bimo believes that the investment disbursed can quickly break the oven point.

The indication, he said, was that Rojo Sambel in Sumatra had only been running for four months, which had almost generated capital.

No wonder, because Rojo Sambel is going viral. The average number of visitors is almost 500 people per day.

To note, at first Rojo Sambel was an MSME business located in the Kalibata area, South Jakarta owned by Yudisthira Putra.

Raffi Ahmad then looked at him and invested in a small amount. To develop Rojo Sambel, Raffi also collaborated with a number of partners, one of which was Adhya Group.

Adhya Group is interested, because the taste image of Rojo Sambel is very unique and of high quality with the main products sold in the form of chicken and duck meat.

"All the products are made by swagging and sambel is also very special, there are 5 types of them," he explained.

In addition, Adhya Group's interest is because Raffi Ahmad and Adhya have the same vision, namely wanting to help and advance the MSME business.

Currently, Raffi is aggressively supporting and participating in advancing MSME products.

In fact, Raffi invited all artists or influencers to work together with MSME products.

"Let's move forward together. No need to compete with each other anymore, don't be afraid to compete. Everyone must collaborate and move forward together," said Raffi Ahmad.

Raffi himself targets that Rojo Sambel can develop up to 200 outlets in various regions.

"Come on, compete for MSME support, collaborate with MSMEs, this is the time to collaborate. By collaborating with each other, we can accelerate acceleration," said Raffi.

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