JAKARTA - Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi officially opened the National Special Conference (Munassus) of the National Entrepreneurs Network (Japnas) in the Cilandak area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, October 4.

In the opening of the event, Minister of Communication and Information Budi said the need for support from national entrepreneurs to go to Indonesia Gold 2045.

"This national prosecutor, right, a network of national entrepreneurs, while if Indonesia wants to advance, the role of its entrepreneur is very much needed," Budi told reporters.

"Especially, Indonesia 2045 must be encouraged together by all networks of entrepreneurs, we must be optimistic that Indonesia can become a developed country," he added.

Minister of Communication and Information Budi hopes that through the implementation of the 2023 National Japnas Musnas, there will be a digital entrepreneurship scholarship to support digital progress in Indonesia.

Because, this is also the key for Indonesia to become a developed country in 2045.

"I hope that later Japnas will cooperate with friends in the 3T area so that there will be a digital entrepreneurship academy, because according to the latest data, only 30 percent have adapted digital progress," he said.

"So, if the people are digital, their governments are digital, their economy is digital, they can encourage Indonesia to advance in 2045," said Budi.

Meanwhile, Budi did not deny that almost all countries in the world are experiencing an economic slowdown at this time.

However, he believes that in the next 22 years Indonesia could become a developed country.

"Indeed, in 2023 the world is experiencing stagflation, the volume of world trade according to data submitted at yesterday's ministerial meeting is experiencing a slowdown in all countries. AS-Europe, Asia, including Indonesia, all its value has decreased, but we are optimistic that 22 years from now it will become one of the developed countries in the world. Japnas is important in that regard," he concluded.

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