JAKARTA - The People's Business Credit Complaints (KUR) Joint Command Post for MSME actors, which is the result of a synergy between the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) with the Indonesian Ombudsman, shows a number of findings, including there are still many complaints related to obstacles to collateral.

Deputy for Micro Business at the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs Yulius said that complaints related to banks that still asked for collateral were still found. Especially for MSME players who borrow under Rp. 100 million.

"In fact, at the Permenko for Economic Affairs Number 1 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of KUR, it is clear that additional collateral is not applied to KUR with a loan ceiling of up to Rp. 100 million," said Yulius in a written statement, Tuesday, October 3.

Yulius said that the KUR distributor who asked for additional collateral with a ceiling of up to Rp. 100 million will be subject to sanctions in the form of a subsidy for the KUR margin not being paid or returning interest subsidies that have been paid.

For obstacles to collateral that is included in the complaint hotline, said Yulius, it has been submitted directly to the channeling bank.

The collateral problem, he continued, also caught the attention of the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki.

According to Yulius, there needs to be a credit scoring method as a substitute for collateral so that MSMEs can access financing, especially KUR more easily.

"Financing by banks must be innovative, because it turns out that in 145 other countries, the credit scoring method has been implemented, which is no longer an asset that is used as collateral, but a digital track record regarding business health which is an assessment," he said.

In addition to the issue of collateral, Yulius also mentioned that of the 71 complaints that were included in the Kemenkop UKM hotline, the majority asked about the Financial Information Service System (SLIK) of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), to socialization that was deemed not optimal.

In fact, according to him, KUR should be the solver of financing problems for MSME actors, especially for those who do not have sufficient funds.

So, it is hoped that the community can optimize KUR access in order to be able to encourage the competitiveness of their business.

In 2023, the KUR ceiling will reach IDR 297 trillion, which until September 30, 2023, has been disbursed at 59.17 percent or IDR 175.73 trillion.

"For the KUR interest rate for ultra-micro with a maximum ceiling of Rp. 10 million, it is set at 3 percent, while for Micro KUR and Small KUR it remains at 6 percent for new KUR debtors," he said.

Meanwhile, RI Ombudsman member Dadan S Suharmawijaya said, out of a total of 80 public consultations and 18 reportings, 53 percent of them complained related to collateral issues.

"As for the MSMEs, the borrowers who are asked for collateral have been completed with existing regulations, the banks have also returned them," he said.

Regarding the request for information, Dadan assessed that 43 percent of the public was still asking about the procedures for submitting KUR, so intensive socialization was needed to the public.

Through this post, his party also found complaints about the existence of people who objected to the existence of LYK OJK which was used as an indicator of acceptance or rejection of KUR submission.

"There is a need for a settlement scheme for applicants who do not pass the SLIK, so they still have the opportunity to access KUR, as well as channeling institutions that still get guaranteed payment of KUR," he said.

Dadan added that the post that had been opened within 20 days, although it was relatively short, the point was to take a picture of how the KUR program was implemented for MSMEs.

"We also hope that outside this post all existing problems can still be followed up," concluded Dadan.

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