Regarding The Citilink-Pelita Air Merger, Deputy Minister Of SOEs: Only Aircraft Transfers And Licenses
Pelita Air (Photo: dock. Antara)

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo revealed the latest news regarding the planned merger or merger of Citilink and Pelita Air airlines. He said that later the plane belonging to the Petamina subsidiary airline would be moved to Citilink.

Not only the plane belonging to Pelita will be transferred to the Garuda Indonesia subsidiary, but also the license belonging to Pelita Air.

"So later Pelita's license and plane will be transferred to Citilink, so it's a plane and we have moved the license," he said when met at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 20.

Meanwhile, continued the man who is familiarly called Tiko, the company is limited (PT) to remain separated.

"The PT may remain separate. So later under Garuda, there will be Citilink and Pelita," he explained.

Previously, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir planned to merge or merge three state-owned airlines Garuda, Citilik and Pelita Air.

But recently, Erick ensured that only Citilink Indonesia and Pelita Air Service would be merged by the Ministry of SOEs. Meanwhile, said Erick, Garuda Indoneia will still be premium class airlines.

"Garuda will remain in premium and then Citilink with Pelita merger," he told the media after a Working Meeting with Commission VI of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Thursday, August 31.

Later Pelita Air will serve the premium economy and Citilink will serve the Low Cost Carrier (LCC).

Regarding the settlement of the merger, Erick said that the merger of these two entities would be carried out depending on the books of each company.

"This year, yes this year. If not the beginning of next year," said Erick.

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