JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) will inject funds in the form of State Equity Participation (PMN) to Perum LPPNPI or Airnav Indonesia amounting to Rp1.55 trillion.

Director General of State Assets (Dirjen KN) Rionald Silaban said the PMN provided consisted of cash and non-cash, where the cash PMN given amounted to Rp659.19 billion and non-cash amounted to Rp892 billion.

Furthermore, Rionald said, cash PMN will be used for post-COVID-19 performance recovery.

The reason is, the number of state-owned company revenues decreased at that time.

"The 2020 and 2021 financial years of the LPPNPI Corporation suffered losses so that if I'm not mistaken, it's up to around Rp. 500 billion," he said in a meeting with Commission XI of the DPR, Monday, September 18.

At the same time, continued Rionald, there are flight navigation service facilities in the form of the Air Traffic Management System which requires feature assassination according to standards. Thus, rejuvenation of facilities is needed.

Rionald said that rejuvenating this facility is important so that Indonesia's aviation navigation technology can be equivalent to neighboring countries, especially Singapore and Australia.

The rejuvenation of equipment from the Air Traffic Management System was carried out because it had entered the maximum technical age limit.

"We also want to make improvements to the Air Traffic Management System, which is also in the context of supporting the relocation of the nation's capital," he explained.

Rionald said the use of PMN for the Air Traffic Management System in Jakarta was IDR 471.9 billion, for those in Balipapan it was IDR 108.7 billion, in Medan it was IDR 76.2 billion, and in Pontianak it was IDR 60.7 billion.

The total investment requirement is IDR 717.5 billion, but what PMN requested was IDR 659.19 billion. The rest will come from the company's internal funds," he said.

Still, said Rionald, the non-cash PMN that will be given is 892.01 billion to strengthen the capital structure and increase the business capacity of Perum LPPNPI.

This injection of funds, continued Rionald, refers to PP 7 of 2012 concerning the establishment of Perum LPPNPI, where the wealth related to the implementation of navigation services belonging to the technical service unit of the Ministry of Transportation is transferred to the BUMN.

"It is hoped that this non-cash participation will also strengthen the capital structure and increase the capacity of Perum LPPNPI," he said.

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