JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has agreed to adjust the budget ceiling for the 2024 Fiscal Year (FY) amounting to IDR 147.3 trillion.

This figure has increased by IDR 386.3 billion from the original IDR 146.9 trillion.

Chairman of Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) Lasarus said, based on data received by Commission V DPR RI from Banggar DPR RI, the PUPR Ministry proposed a budget ceiling for the 2024 FY Budget of IDR 146.9 trillion. However, the Ministry proposed changes in the form of additional salaries of IDR 141.2 billion and additional spending of IDR 245.1 billion for the FY 2024 budget ceiling.

"So in accordance with the figures submitted by the DPR RI Budget Agency (Banggar) to Commission V of the DPR RI, we ratify the State Budget Draft (RAPBN) as the State Budget (APBN) for 2024," said the Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Lasarus at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, on Tuesday, September 12.

Even so, after Commission V DPR RI approved the PUPR Ministry's indicative ceiling of IDR 147.3 trillion and wanted to read out the conclusions, one member of the DPR expressed a special request for the working partners of Commission V DPR RI, especially the Ministry of PUPR.

The member of Commission V DPR RI is Mulyadi. This member of Commission V from the Gerindra faction asked the PUPR Ministry to improve its performance so that it is more optimal.

This is because Commission V DPR RI has approved an additional budget to increase salaries at the Ministry of PUPR amounting to IDR 141.2 billion.

"We have agreed to a salary increase, specifically for the PUPR ministry there is additional spending. We hope that the moral message for the salary increase indicator is also an increase in performance, don't let us say yes but the performance is not optimal," said Mulyadi.

On the same occasion, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono, who was present virtually, expressed his thanks to Commission V DPR RI.

"Thank you (Commission V DPR RI), so we agree with the conclusion and will remember (the things conveyed by the members of Commission V), especially regarding labor intensive," he said.

Minister Basuki said that his party had followed up on everything that Commission V of the DPR RI wanted in recent times before the final budget for 2024 was set.

"From Mr. Iwan about schools in IKN. There are five schools there that have been surveyed for renovation around IKN. So, we have surveyed the five schools that we will renovate," he said.

Next, continued Basuki, the Ministry of PUPR has also followed up on the issue of the new autonomous region (DOB) in Papua as proposed by member of Commission V DPR RI Willem Wandik.

"For Mr. Willem who is at DOB, the program will be assigned to the PUPR Ministry, the budget is in the State General Treasurer (BUN). Now, we have proposed for 2023 an amount of IDR 400 billion and for 2024 there is around IDR 4 trillion. So, we have propose to collaborate with the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri)," he said.

"In essence, we thank the DPR RI DPR Commission for being able to increase the salary increase budget for ministries/institutions under the supervision of Commission V DPR RI," concluded Basuki.

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