JAKARTA - The Asiotia of the Regional Development Bank (Asbanda), held a withdrawal of the National Simpeda Savings Draw Period I of XXXIV 2023 at the Claro Hotel Makassar, South Sulawesi (Sulsel), Thursday, August 31, 2023, where Bank Sulselbar acted as the host.

Titled 'Bebur Rejeki, In Anging Mamiri City', the draw for the National Simpeda Savings Draw presents a total prize of IDR 3 billion for BPD Simpeda savings customers throughout Indonesia.

In his remarks, the President Director of Bank Sulselbar, Yulis Suandi, said that the national draw for Simpeda savings is a customer loyalty program, which is specifically for Simpeda savings customers throughout Indonesia.

"This is a savings of community fund raising products and as one of the unification of BPD in Indonesia," said Yulis.

He continued, the National Simpeda Savings Draw which is currently being held is also very indentical with the philosophy of life contained in the construction of the Pinisi Ship, one of the legendary Indonesian ships from the Bugis Tribe, Makassar.

"The philosophy of living from the Pinisi Ship that we can do from the manufacturing process to sailing is carried out in mutual cooperation, as is the case with this lottery which was carried out because it was thanks to the mutual cooperation between BPD," he said.

The second philosophy is patience. Where the construction of the Pinisi Ship was carried out, it took 6 months to 1 year.

"This is also synonymous with the patience of Simpeda customers in turn every 6 months in a year waiting for this lottery," he added.

Then, said Yulis, the third philosophy is beauty. The shape of the Pinisi Ship looks dashing and artistic, full of beauty. This means that every series of National Simpeda Savings Draws is always accompanied by tourist visits with great beauty.

"There is also a work ethic philosophy, the Pinisi Ship is made with accuracy, this is also the same as the selection of the winner to be carried out carefully," he said.

On the same occasion, Asbanda Chairman Yuddy Renaldi said that Simpeda's savings in its development continued to increase. Until the end of June 2023, the number of Simpeda savers reached 7,920,149 customers with a total balance of Rp65.8 trillion.

"When viewed from the draw in Kendari in 2022 yesterday, to Makassar, in terms of savings, there was an increase of 1.97 percent or an increase of 153,327 savers. The Simpeda balance increased by 3.78 percent, an increase of Rp2.39 trillion," he said.

Meanwhile, Assistant for Economics, Development and Welfare of South Sulawesi Province, Ichsan Mustari, representing the Governor of South Sulawesi, said that currently the provincial government continues to encourage economic growth in their respective regions. With the presence of Asbanda, he hopes to be able to participate in encouraging investment between regions.

"We really hope for investment from BPD, by presenting investment in terms of cooperation between regions," he said.

The withdrawal of the National Simpeda Savings Draw Period I of XXXIV Year 2023 was witnessed and ratified by representatives from the social services, police, and notaries.

The winner of the first prize worth Rp500 million was won by a customer from Bank BPD DIY. The granting of the main prize was symbolically received by the President Director of Bank BPD DIY, Santoso Rohmad. He said that the National Undian for Simpeda Savings Period I of XXXIV Year 2023 program is expected to have an impact on increasing the number of these savings customers.

"With this grand prize, I hope it will increase the spirit of the DIY community again, to bank with BPD DIY," he said.

In addition to the main prize, the Simpeda lottery also drew the 2nd winner for 4 winners with Rp. 100 million each. The 2nd winner included customers from Bank Sulselbar, Bank SulutGo, and 2 customers from Bank Jatim.

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