JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has allocated a budget of more than Rp35 trillion for the support of the development of the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara infrastructure in 2024.
"IKN infrastructure support in 2024 is IDR 35.37 trillion," said PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono at a Working Meeting with Commission V DPR RI in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 30.
Basuki explained, of the total budget, the water resources sector was allocated Rp1.50 trillion. The budget is planned for the Control of Watershed Floods (DAS) Sanggai 1A Continued Central Government Core Areas (KIPP), Handling of Sepaku River Floods, Sepaku District, Improvement and Arrangement of Sepaku Semoi Dam Areas, as well as the Development of KIPP Embung, and Palaluan watersheds.
Then, for the community development sector amounting to Rp. 16.67 trillion, which is planned for the construction of the Access Road to the Mosque in the IKN area and Logistics Pier, the West side of the National Aquak Road and the East side, the Feeder Street (District) in the IKN area.
Next, for the construction of Section 1, Section 3A Toll Road, Section 3B, Section 5A, Section 5B-1, Section 5B-2, Section 6A, Section 6B and Section 6C-1, and Construction of VVIP Airport (Airbase System).
Meanwhile, the work creation sector is allocated a budget of IDR 11.44 trillion. Later, the budget will be used for the construction of the Water Processing Installation (IPA) and the Supporting Building for the Sepaku SPAM Drinking Water Supply System as well as its piping network, Wastewater Processing Installation (IPAL) 1, 2, 3 KIPP IKN, as well as its piping network.
The budget is also planned for the construction of 1 KIPP IKN Integrated Waste Processing Site (TPST), Phase II National Aquaculture Arrangement, Tripraja Axis, and Construction of the KIPP Fire Protection System Phase I, Building Buildings in the Presidential Palace Area in the State Capital.
Furthermore, for the construction of buildings and office areas of the Coordinating Ministry, the Office of the Ministry of State Secretariat (Kemensetneg), the Office of the Ministry of PUPR, and the Office of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN), Facilities and Infrastructure of Government II, and the Nusantara Home Area.
Meanwhile, the budget for the housing sector is allocated IDR 5.76 trillion. According to the plan, the budget will be used for ASN Flats (Rusun) Development and Security (Hankam) activities.
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