JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) has completed the preparation of technical materials for the Coastal and Small Islands (RZWP-3-K) Zoning Plan for North Sulawesi Province.

This technical material is an effort to integrate land and sea spatial planning after technical consultations, both at the regional and central levels.

Director General of Marine Space Management of KKP Victor Gustaaf Manoppo emphasized that the preparation of technical materials is a step that must be taken in simplifying regulations for the implementation of provincial spatial planning, namely through the integration of the Regional Spatial Planning/RTRW (land space) with the Plan for the Coastal Area and Small Islands/RZWP-3-K Zoning (sea space) to become one in the form of the Provincial RTRW Regional Regulation (Perda).

This is carried out in accordance with the mandate of Law No. 11 of 2020 j.o of Law (UU) Number 6 of 2023 concerning Job Creation and Government Regulation Number 21 concerning the Implementation of Spatial Planning.

"Regional regulations regarding the RTRW of North Sulawesi Province are expected to provide arrangements for the use of marine space to support blue economic policies, namely the expansion of marine conservation areas, measured fishing based on quotas, sustainable development of marine, coastal and land cultivation, supervision and control of coastal areas and small islands, including cleaning up plastic waste at sea through the Fisherman's Participation Movement," Victor said as quoted from the KKP official website, on Saturday, August 26.

Victor said the material that had been stated in the Final Document of the Technical Materials of Coastal Waters/RZWP-3-K of North Sulawesi Province immediately received technical approval from the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KP) in accordance with Article 72 of the Regulation of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Number 28 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Marine Spatial Planning.

Furthermore, Victor added that an integration process for land spatial planning would be carried out into RTRW for North Sulawesi Province.

Meanwhile, North Sulawesi Provincial Secretary Steve HA Kepel who led the declaration said that spatial arrangement plays an important role as a reference in regional development, combining between sectors in it, and creating development harmony.

"Through this declaration, we certainly hope that the determination of a comprehensive spatial plan can be submitted immediately and stipulated as a regional regulation," he said.

Not only that, Steve also mentioned that this declaration is a small step for something bigger for North Sulawesi, so his party asked the relevant agencies to immediately follow up and submit it to the DPR.

"Apresiasi kepada tim dari KKP yang sudah membantu mendorong untuk segera menyelesaikan proses integrasi ini, sehingga pemerintah daerah dapat segera melanjutkan ke tahapan berikutnya," pungkasnya.

In line with Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono's policy, the development of the blue economy through the supervision and control of coastal areas and small islands carried out through the arrangement of the sea space is expected to reduce conflicts of interest and save coastal ecosystems and Small Islands so that they are preserved.

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