PONTIANAK - Head of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) of West Kalimantan Province, Maulana Yasin, said that lending in West Kalimantan until June 2023 reached IDR 69 trillion or grew 13.14 percent yoy higher than the same position in the previous year which amounted to IDR 61 trillion. "In June 2023, both lending and collection of banking DPKs in West Kalimantan experienced growth. This performance contributed to the economic recovery of West Kalimantan Province in the midst of increasingly controlled conditions after the COVID-19 pandemic," he said in Pontianak, Saturday, August 19. He said that the growth of commercial bank credit in West Kalimantan reached 12 percent YoY. Meanwhile, BPR reached 14.43 percent YoY. Based on its type of use, credit growth was driven by increased investment and consumption credit. "Based on its sector, credit growth was contributed by the agricultural, hunting and forestry sector and for other household appliances ownership including multipurpose loans," he explained. Meanwhile, related to the collection of Third Party Funds (DPK) at June 2023 it reached Rp75 trillion, growing by 0.52 percent yoy. The growth of the DPK in June 2023 increased slightly compared to the position in May 2023 of 0.42 percent.

"Berdasarkan Kelompok Bank Modal Inti (KBMI), peningkatan DPK secara yoy didorong oleh kelompok bank pada KBMI 4. Di samping itu, berdasarkan jenisnya peningkatan DP ditopang oleh kenaikan Deposito. Sementara untuk penghimpunan tabungan dan giro mengalami penurunan secara yoy,"kata dia.Terkait perkembangan edukasi dan pelindungan konsumen dalam rangka mencapai target pemerintah untuk indeks inklusi keuangan sebesar 90 persen di 2024, pihaknya terus melakukan peningkatan literasi keuangan masyarakat. Sepanjang 2023 OJK Kalbar hingga Juni 2023 telah merealisasikan 23 kegiatan literasi dan inklusi keuangan yang seluruhnya dilakukan secara offline, melibatkan 1.824 peserta."Keseluruhan realisasi kegiatan tersebut berkolaborasi dengan TPAKD, Pemerintah Daerah, Kementerian/Lembaga Pelaku Usaha Jasa Keuangan (PUJK), praktisi, akademisi dan asosiasi pelaku usaha," kata dia.

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