JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, stated that parliament fully supports the 2024 State Budget theme designed by the government with the theme of Accelerating Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation.
According to him, this support had appeared during the previous session, namely when the DPR and the government discussed and agreed on Macro Economic Policy and the Principles of Fiscal Policy for the State Budget for the 2024 Fiscal Year.
Puan explained that the 2024 period is the last year of the administration of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma'ruf Amin which has been going on since 2019.
"Therefore, it is necessary to focus the government on carrying out work programs to complete the achievement of various final targets of the 2020-2024 RPJMN, as well as create a solid foundation for the next development period," he said.
Puan encourages the government to continue to be able to maintain fiscal capabilities to be able to carry out national development agendas, government general services, and national strategic programs, amidst the unfavorable global economy.
He said, strengthening the synergy of riel's fiscal, monetary and sector policies to maintain economic stability must continue to be carried out effectively.
"Since 2019, the government has always expressed its commitment to improving quality state spending, quality state spending will accelerate efforts to improve people's welfare," said Puan.
For information, in this Plenary Session, President Jokowi also officially conveyed the 2024 State Budget Draft along with financial notes.
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