JAKARTA - MMS Group Indonesia (MSGI) through its subsidiary, PT Multi Harapan Utama (MHU), together with the government and the Faculty of Agriculture, Kutai Kartanegara University, have started to initiated the CSR program; developing cocoa plantations belonging to the Lalut Isau Farmers Group at the end of 2022. Since the long time the MHU Community Development team has seen the potential for cocoa plantations The Lalut Isau Farmers Group which is included in the ring area of one MHU mining activity, located in the administrative area of the Payang River, Lung Anai Village, East Kalimantan. The plantation has an area of 100 hectares with a population of 50 people. A farmer is able to manage about 2 hectares of land with an income of Rp. 25,000- Rp. 30,000/kg of raw cocoa beans.

MHU together with other partners; Kutai Kartanegara University, Jember Coffee and Cocoa Research Office (Puslitkoka) will establish a cocoa house which will later be used for the production site of brown raw materials. The CSR program will also provide seven production equipment and gardening training for the community.

During the inauguration of the CSR program for repairing Clean Water Facilities (SAB) Lung Anai Village in May 2023, MHU together with the Faculty of Agriculture, Kutai Kartanegara University, also conducted technical counseling on fermented cocoa beans to the community. The Regent of Kutai Kartanegara was also present to symbolically hand over MHU assistance in the form of cocoa beans fermented boxes.

"We hope that the cocoa production house Lung Anai Village can have superior products. It is targeted to be completed in September 2023, hopefully in the future it can continue to support community MSME activities," said Wijayono Sarosa, General Manager of Mining Support MHU, in a written statement, Thursday, August 10.

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