JAKARTA - The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs (Kemenkop UKM) together with the Surakarta City Government (Pemkot) will present the transformation of future MSMEs in the context of the 2023 National MSME Day.
"We need to prepare MSMEs to enter national downstream, not only with low technology in order to increase the quality of employment opportunities, which are 97 percent of which are provided by MSMEs, therefore their level must be increased," said Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki through his official statement, Thursday, August 10.
Teten said that this year's National MSME celebration is a momentum for MSME players in the country to show off through the future MSME ecosystem, both through digitization, collaboration with research and innovation results, and into downstreaming.
"The transformation of future MSMEs is also marked by the entry of MSMEs on digital platforms. This is in line with the government's target of encouraging 30 million MSMEs onboarding, of which currently more than 22 million MSMEs have entered the digital ecosystem," he said.
The 2023 National MSME Day will contain a series of activities involving various stakeholders and thousands of suspended MSMEs which will take place from 10-13 August 2023 and spread across Solo Raya.
These various series include MSME Expo, workshops and talk shows with Google Indonesia and YouTube, live shopping with Tokopedia, to the road to Indonesia Start-Up Ecosystem Summit (ISES).
Meanwhile, Managing Director of Google Indonesia Randy Jusuf revealed, since 2017 Google has coached more than two million business owners across the country through programs, such as Gapura Digital, Women Will, and various partnerships with the government.
"Our survey shows that more than 75 percent of Gapura Digital and Women Will participants believe their digital marketing skills have increased. In addition, regarding videos, 73 percent of small business owners told us that YouTube is very important to their business growth," he said.
Meanwhile, in an effort to support MSMEs onboarding in the digital ecosystem, the Kemenkop UKM together with Tokopedia carry out live shopping to support superior MSME products on the marketplace platform.
"To encourage MSME products to become increasingly the choice of the community, Tokopedia makes various efforts. One of them is the live shopping for MSME-seeded products with the Kemenkop UKM at Tokopedia PLAY at the peak of the 2023 National MSME Day celebration," explained Deputy Director of Public Policy and Government Relations Tokopedia Hilmi Adrianto.
The peak of the National MSME Day celebration itself will be held on August 12, 2023 in Pamedan Mangkunegaran and will be attended directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi), who will simultaneously launch three integration programs of the central and regional governments, namely the Transformation of Micro Business Formals, Central Java Blangkon, and Entrepreneurship Incubation.
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